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i was still hesitating if i should go to his house to look after him, i didn't even know if he will still want me to be there? or he will just going to push me away.

but i still found myself standing outside his house. i sigh as i press down the doorbell. i waited for a few minutes before ringing it again, but there's no answer. i peek through the window and see that all the lights are off. is he even here? maybe he's sleeping? or maybe he doesn't really want to see me? another deep sigh escape my lips before i decided to just sat down on his porch and wait until he open the door or he came home.

after a forty five minutes, i saw him walking, with someone else helping him walk. i feel the jealousy boiling inside of me, but i set it aside as i walk towards them.

" jimin." i almost whisper. he look up slowly. the other man didn't look at me, his face hidden in his hoody, almost look like jimin's hoody that is in my house.

i walked closely to them until i was in front of jimin, he reeks of alcohol. " it's okay, i can take care of him now." i don't want to sound so rude but i can't help my jealousy is getting the best of me.

" thank you.." i said to him before getting jimin out of his hold.

" no~" jimin whines as he tried to come to the man again. which hurt me.

" jimin you're dru~~" but jimin stomp his feet like a little kid.

" it's okay minie.." the man spoke, i look at him wide eyes, i should be the only one calling jimin like that, but i let him slip since jimin seem to calm to his voice. " go inside your house now." he says before ruffling my jimin's hair. i don't like it. i can see how he smiles towards jimin, but i can't clearly see his whole face since it was dark and his hoody blocking his eyes and half of his nose.

i clench my fist and hold jimin's shoulder trying my best not to burst out. once jimin was inside my hold, i just ignored the boy and walk jimin towards his house. who could that be? and why is he with jimin? are they? i look back at him once we were on the porch, and he was still there watching us. or mostly jimin. who are you?

but there's something familiar to him, i just really can't put my tongue on it. i get the key on jimin's pocket before pushing it inside the key hole and getting jimin inside. my heart clenching at the voices whispering things about you.

" i need him." you whisper, looking pass your door. my lips turn into a thin line but i still tried to smile and sat down beside you.

" i'm here." i smiled at jimin, you look at me confused like you were scanning my face, until you lift your hands and touch my cheeks.

you slowly smile at me, eyes glistening with joy. " i miss you.." and it was enough for me to fall more, to forgive you. to stay.

you were about to lean in and was about to kiss me when you suddenly let out a bile in me, staining my shirt by your vomit before puking on your floor, i sigh but then help you to the sink, and to help you clean. after cleaning you i put you to your bed, tucking you in. i was about to leave and clean the mess you've done when you hold my hand and stop me.

" you won't leave again right?" you asks, i smiled at you as i caress your hair.

" i'll never leave you." i answered kissing your forehead, before going out.

after cleaning your sala, i made you a soup for your hangover. in case you wake up again in the middle of the night. the thought of the man who brought you here still bothers me. i swear i saw him already, i just can't remember when and where. but what bothers me is the way you look at me when you were with him, you look at me like the first time you did. no emotion at all, no hint of adoration like you usually look at me since we dated. but it was all gone now, why?

but i tried to push back that thought, i won't let you go no not now.

i walk upstairs to your room, with soup and a glass of water with medicine for your head ache later. you were sleeping soundly on your bed, i put down the tray and sat beside you, observing how beautiful you are.

" i love you.. so much." i whispered as i kiss your head. laying beside you.

you move closer to me as you hug me, it makes my heart beat faster like it usually do. i look around your room, it was my first time here inside. you have a lot of photos hanging on your wall in front of your bed, but i can't see it clearly since it was dark. you really like keeping photos don't you?

getting my phone, i took a snap of us, just to keep it, since maybe this will be the only memory i can hold on for you. the photos we have together.

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