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i suddenly fall on my bed causing for me to hiss in pain, the bids of cold sweats sticking on my body. my heart erratically beating that it hurt, my eyes still close as i breathe out heavily, my tears pricking my eyes. i can't believe that he is,

" hey are you okay?" i slowly turn to see him standing outside my room, my eyes widen as i stand on my feet ignoring my hurting pelvis, and run to him and crushed him into a tight hug as i cry on his shoulder. " w-why are you crying kookie?" he panics as he gently and soothingly makes a circle touch on my back. " i i had a dream of you." i said as i cry more, that nightmare is hurting me so much.  i heard him chuckled as he pulls his self away from, looking straight into my eyes. " it's just a dream kookie, stop crying now okay? look i'm okay." he smiles so sweetly as he gently wipes away the tears on my cheeks.

" come on, they are waiting downstairs." he said as he tugged on my hand, i look at our entwined hands and smile, but then look at him in confusion. " they? who?" i ask, as i heard him chuckled again, those sweet melody escaping his lips. those are all mine. " you forgot did you?" he smiles at me. " yeah kinda." i sheepishly answered, tightening my hold into his hand. afraid that if i loosened my hold into him even for a second he will just going to vanish in front of my eyes. " tss kookie, this is the day you're going to meet them." the smile never leaving his lips, sweet smile that i always wanted to see. this is so good to be true. i slowly nod at him, and he walks a little ahead of me, letting him to guide me downstairs.

as we are nearing the sala, i've heard voices talking and laughing, somehow it's kinda familiar to me, but it stop until we reaches them. " they are the one i wanted you to meet kookie." jimin says as he smiles at me, the two then look at us. i gasped as i saw him there.. wait? taehyung? but wait what i dreamt about is just simply a dream right? this is my reality now. jimin being alive and he's mine. so why am i being scared of him being here? " jungkook are you okay?" jimin tugged on me. making me look at him, then to them. " what were you saying?" i ask timidly. he giggles as he let go of my hand and sat in front of taehyung who is eyeing him, and i hate it, so i immediately sat down on his side slightly glaring at him.

" i said, meet my friends they are hoseok and taehyung." somehow as he speaks his name it's kinda different or maybe it's just my insecurity.. " oh h-hey nice meeting you, i'm jeon jungkook." i greet, they smiled at me. " nice meeting you too jungkook." hoseok smiled widely at me like he had done on my dream. " are you two perhaps a couple?" i asks them, but just earn a pits of laughter from the three of them. " what are you even saying kook?" suddenly yoongi hyung came out in the kitchen, holding a tray of snacks and tea. " what?" i whispered, why i haven't notice him a while ago when we passed by the kitchen?

" duh hoseok is my boyfriend, how can you forget about that?" he asks, making me more confused in this situation. " i've told you about him for a couple of times. gosh are you aging already jeon?" he teases.. that just left me hanging, yoongi hyung is with hoseok hyung? when? " maybe i just forgot about it." i slightly laugh. " it's okay, this man right here is actually in love with someone else." hoseok smiles at taehyung before looking back at jimin, who is now blushing slightly. i gulp as i saw how taehyung averted his eyes from hoseok to jimin, with those evident blush tainting his cheeks. out of jealousy i quickly hugged jimin, causing for him to let out a gasp. " jiminie i'm sleepy.." i whispered, slowly clutching my hands around the fabric of his shirt. " but you just went out of your sleep." he says patting my head. " please?" i begged as i feel my eyes starting to water. he smiles before nodding.

" excuse us for a while." he says before guiding me back to my room, my hand still entertwined with his until i lay down with him sitting beside me. " are you sure you are okay?" he asks, it's kinda new for me that i'm seeing him being sweet and caring and always had that sweet smile but i like it. " i love you jimin." i said, the smile on his face slowly dims but still there, he pulls his hand away from me as he caress my hair, " i love you too kook, now rest." he says as he lay down with me, staring with those love eyes, i've been always wanted to see. if this is all a dream, i don't wanna wake up anymore. i move closer towards him, he open his arms and pulls me until there are no space at all.

but why there's still something that is stopping me to really believe in this? why is it so hard to believe in this? " i thought you wanted to sleep?" " you won't leave me right?" i asks. " why would i leave you?" he looks at me with something hidden behind those eyes. i hug him tightly as the tears pricks my eyes again,  being afraid is an understatement right now. i'm terrified that if i close my eyes, he won't be there when i open my eyes again.. i'm terrified by the thought of him leaving me.

" hey stop crying kook, i'm here." he whispers as he hug me equally tight as i do. " just promise me jimin. please promise~" i begged, inhaling that scent i always wanted to surround me. " i promise jungkook." he kissed the top of my head. and that's enough assurance for me that he is for real. that he is alive and he is with me before i fall asleep.

" jungkook wake up.."


hi! oh well i was supposed to ended this story on the previous chapter but then i wasn't satisfied with it so yeah.

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