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{ flashback, 7 months of taemin's}

" do you really think this will be okay if i go with you? it is your family gathering after all." taehyung pouts as he just stared at his boyfriend, they are now on a clothing boutique " you are a family tae, that's why you are needed to be there. and i won't come if you won't be there." jimin turn around to face him. " but your mother doesn't like me." taehyung looks away.

" she will definitely like you, we should just try harder." jimin states, " and even if she don't i will still fight for you okay?" jimin gave him a sweet small kiss before hugging him. taehyung could only sigh, even though he doesn't want to attend this, he will still do it for jimin. " i love you." taehyung whispers to him, jimin smile and hug him tighter. " i love you more."

and now they were already in jimin's house. jimin thought that it will just his family but he was surprised to see hoseok's family was there and a few other business person. and so was taehyung. " hoseok you're here." taehyung says as he went to greet his best friend. " well, mom wanted me to go with her that's why i'm here." but there's something off with him, and taehyung wonder why.

" oh so you knew each other." suddenly jimin's mom came out, " madam ino." " mrs park." they both speak, taehyung wondering how the hell hoseok became too close to jimin's mother. " i told you before to call me auntie or better mom right?" she smiles so sweetly that it almost scare taehyung. 'wait what? is he already okay with me?' taehyung smile lightly at the thought, but it already crashed down when mrs park grabs a hold of hoseok's hand and leave him.

" what's happening?" they both ask, but taehyung barely whisper his. suddenly mrs park clank the fork that she got on the table with the glass of champagne in her hand, asking for their attention. jimin just came back to taehyung who was still confused. " i wanted to thank you for coming today." his mom spoke, but jimin couldn't care less. " hey are you okay? and why is she with hoseok?" jimin asks, but taehyung just shrugged as the tears already threatening to fall, if what he thinks isn't wrong then he don't know what he will do. " jimin come here." they were suddenly give focus to the person speaking, both confusion written in their faces. " go." taehyung whispers as he look down. he can't even look at their faces he feels suffocated by those stranger faces. " are you su~" taehyung suddenly look at him with a smile on his face, he slightly chuckle and nods at his boyfriend. " go meet your mother."

soon as jimin came in front of them his mother she gestures for a confused hoseok to come and meet jimin. " mom what is this?" he whispers, but that eerily smile still plastered on her beautiful but deceiving face. " meet your fiancé" causing the three of them to be surprised, jimin immediately turn to taehyung who already caught on to what is happening. " madam ino i didn't know about this?" hoseok spoke, he doesn't know when did this agreement start. " shush boy, i'm doing you a favor." she sternly says as she saw jimin going back to his boyfriend.

" but i don't like jimin and taehyung is my best friend."

" taehyung! wait up!" jimin ran after him, ignoring the calls his mother is doing. " taehyung please i didn't know all about it." taehyung stops as he turn around and face jimin. he was crying and it hurts jimin. " i know, and i trust you but still it hurts to know that my best friend is the one your mother wants for you."

" taehyung, jimin. i'm sorry for this. i didn't know about this i'm really sorry. i will do amything to break this agreement." hoseok says, he really is sorry. " it's okay hoseok, this wasn't your fault." that made hoseok cry even more so he run and hug taehyung, jimin smiling a little as he watched this two being emotional.


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