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it was midnight but the pain inside my heart was keeping me awake, the thought never leave my mind even once. so i slowly take jimin's hand away from me, standing from the bed as i call hoseok. it was after the third call when he answered.

" what do you want?" i can tell that he just woke up.

" can we talk?" i asks.

" can't this wait for the morning? i'm sleepy." he sighs.

" no, please. i need answers."

" for what? please don't ask me about math. anything but not that." he dramatically says, that made the atmosphere a little bit light.

" no, it's about jimin."

i didn't hear him for a quite long time before a sigh escape his lips.

" what did he do this time?" his tone changes into something like tired and disappointed.

" nothing, i guess?"

" so what's the matter?"

" i want to know about his past."

another silence got to us, before i heard a squeak from the bed.

" what about it?"

" everything tell me everything hoseok."

" will you leave jimin if you know about it?" hoseok ask.

" no, i won't."

" okay do you want us to talk through phone? or we'll meet?"

" i'll go to your house." i said before i heard a faint okay.

i look back again at jimin who is still sleeping. i quickly get my jacket and keys before going down.

the drive to hoseok's house wasn't that long, but it wasn't short for a walk. i can see the light on his sala was open, he was probably waiting. so i park my car outside their house, and walk towards his door. i knock, before i heard a shuffling of feet getting near the door, until it opens and showed a hoseok only on his robe. he let me in, before shutting the door close.

" do you want coffee, water or any drink?" hoseok offers, as i sat down on his sofa

" no, i'm okay thanks." he nods before sitting opposite towards me.

" what do you want to know?" he asks.

" why did jimin became the way he is right now?"

he nods while sighing.

" well i shouldn't be the one telling you this. but, i know for sure jimin won't tell you about it." he looks at me before standing up, he then took a frame beside the television. and sat down again, he holds a small smile while looking at the photo, before putting it on the table for me to look.

i took it, and saw them, the three of them. " what about it?" i don't have any idea why did hoseok show me this.

" the other man was taehyung. our close friend, i've known him ever since i was a kid. we've known jimin in middle school days. me and taehyung was very alike in characters, jimin is kinda different he likes to be alone, doesn't talk much to other people, always gets in trouble so we really didn't talk to him at first since everyone is scared of how can he be violent if he wants but it changed when we find him beaten up in an alley, almost dying. taehyung was the first one to help him." he stops.

" taehyung actually has a crush on him even before we help him, but did not confess because he's scared to get rejected.."

" did jimin like him after you help him?" i ask putting the photo down

" no, he didn't." he smiles sadly. " taehyung didn't make his self known to jimin after we help him."

" oh, how did they know each other?" my mind just can't form the word together.

" by accident. we've got been invited to a party, we didn't know that it is a pool party. taehyung doesn't know how to swim and he got tripped by the others and push him in the pool, i wasn't there since i was getting us a food no one was helping him. i just run when i heard from others that taehyung had been pushed in the pool so i rush to help him since he can't swim but then suddenly jimin jump in to save him, that was you know like in a movie where the man saves the girl. everyone gasps when the known jimin help someone." he smiles but still not looking at me but at the photo on the table.

" taehyung passed out because of a lot of water got in to him, jimin did what they didn't expect, he saved taehyung and almost got into a fight again but taehyung had stop him even though he really feel too weak because of the drowning. jimin for the first time listen and just drag taehyung out of that house. it was funny how taehyung's face all red because jimin is still holding his hand." he slightly laugh.

" turns out that jimin knew all along that taehyung was the one who had helped him because of connection jimin has, he had the chance to see the copy of footage in that hospital."

" and after that jimin let us to be a part of his life. taehyung had the courage to confess to jimin, at first jimin was hesitant to even give taehyung a chance since he's not sure his self of what he feels for my friend but then they became together. jimin was slowly changing for the better for taehyung, he stops his self to fight back when he needs to or even avoid fighting. he even tried to communicate more to others, to open his self more. cause you know jimin was always got into a fight, always going home that look like he's about to die but taehyung help him to change." he looks at me like he was asking for permission to continue.

i nod at him.

" taehyung was jimin's first love, they were so in love with each other that no one can even separate them even their own guardians. jimin's parents was against them, they want them to be separated because they knew the status of the kim's, taehyung's family. they're not that rich unlike them. it's cruel i know but they want someone for jimin that is on his same level. but jimin fight for taehyung, for their love. that it leaves no choice for the park's but to give chance for them, cause jimin was their only son, but mrs park was still against the thought of it, cause mrs park already arranged a marriage for his son.."

for every word that slip pass his lips is how his voice sounded sad and how his eyes become dull.

" they are happy or so they thought. it was jimin's birthday gift for taehyung, and should be their second anniversary, they should be having a flight to japan but then an accident happened." he stops as the tears started flowing down his cheeks.

i quickly went to him, to give comfort. " ahh i'm sorry, i thought i'll be okay if i talked about this again, it just really make me sad to rethink all of what happened." he cries.

" it's okay. i won't push you more to tell me about it." i said as i pat his back.

" no i'm okay, it's not fair for your side if you won't know what causes jimin to be like this." he looks up.

" jimin and i went first to japan to arrange everything for taehyung, and he was supposed to follow. it isn't the first time i saw jimin being too happy, he was always happy when taehyung is around. everything is arranged on that moment, just one missing, taehyung. but it is different because jimin is going to propose, too early? i know but jimin loves taehyung so much that he was ready to tie his self already. but an hour passed of supposedly taehyung's arrival, until it turns into two, to three, to four that his phone can't be contact anymore."

" then we saw on news about the plane that crashed. the plane where taehyung is."

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