Chapter 5

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We walked up to the house."Why did you leave this place"I asked Aki.He wiped the sweat off his face."Well our parents died when we were young and Chris being the older one took care of us.He went to America and got his degrees and came back so i could go too.We all come back eventually.The outside world is hard work.Here everything is easy."he said."Even dying"i commented."Yes even dying.Chris was in school with Uma and they got married.She doesnt really fancy this place.But they are married now."he said.I couldnt help but want to inquire more about their marriage."They have been together long?"I asked."Yes ten years and no kids.She threatens to live everyday.They used to be happy but this place is not for Uma.She is a wild spirit with a thirst for adventure just like you.She doesnt want to stay in one place"he said as we came closer to the house."I see".I didnt say much.Well if she had stuck around for ten years then clearly she loved her husband.The house was already smelling nice when we entered.Food from the goddess.I thought to myself.Something about it was
unsettling."Hie Uma"i said as we entered.She was glowing.She smiled."How was your day.Youre just in time for dinner"she said reaching out for my bag.She was such a warm soul.She was perfect.Akiliz was already helping himself by the time i sat down.Chris wasnt here.I hoped it wasnt because of me .I finished up my food and left for my room.The shower was hot and invigorating.Exactly what i needed.I heard footsteps.I turned off the water and i listened.I quietly walked out of the shower."Oh im sorry",Chris said facing away.He looked back at me and i ran into the bathroom to get a towel."Im sorry i was checking up on you.It was too quiet in here."he said.I walked out.I could see him staring at the water running down my legs.What a pervert."Do you mind?"i said looking at the door."Ummm im sorry.Dont forget the sage"he said walking out.I rolled my eyes.How was he just acting like he was a good man and now he couldnt keep his eyes off me.What was he doing in my room anyway.?I sat on the  bed in silence.The sage.I forgot to burn the sage.I opened my eyes.The sound of lightening startled me.The room was dark.I wiped my forehead.Where was all this water coming from.My bed was wet.I tried to get up.My body was stuck.My eyes moved around and i saw a light.Right outside the window as the raindrops fell to the window and down the glass.It grew bigger and it was coming closer.So close i could see if forcing its way into the room.My mouth was still.I had no voice.The light was in the room.It morphed into a womans body but with head of a snake.Then slowly she changed into pure human form.An angel right before my eyes.She floated towards me.Only now the only movement i had was in my eyes.My body was numb."She smiled before floating above me.Her body parallel to mine.I looked into her eyes.Her watery sea blue eyes.She screamed an unearthly scream that sent my body shivering and my heart shattering.I screamed as i woke up.It was a dream.I quickly got off the bed and rushed to the window.There was a light moving away from the house,further down towards the sea.She had visited me.The mamiwatha.I breathed very fast each breath whizzing.I couldnt sleep now.
"Did you burn the sage"Chris said as he stood by my door.I had forgotten.I bit my nail."I hope i didnt wake you all"I said feeling sorry for having to knock so late but he had said i could wake him if i needed anything and right now i was scared."Ah no Uma sleeps like a log.Nothing could wake her"he said entering the room.He took out a lighter and some incense sticks and burned them."Its fairly normal."he said."What is"i asked as i sat on the edge of the bed."The visitations.It comes as a dream.She choses her own people.Who she blesses with different gifts.Some beauty,some love,some power and they are all over the world.Her power here is too strong.Most people dont make it out of thier dreams.So we appease her and calm her.Where you in doupt Coriel?"Chris said getting comfortable.I was.I was in doupt."Yes i was"i responded."Youll be fine."he said.Something about that was comforting.He had this aura to him.A loving and caring and wise aura.we looked at each other.I stood up."Yeah i will be fine.I think i need to rest now"i said.He was quiet as he walked towards the door."Sleep well"he said.there was an awkward silence.He grabbed my waist and brought me close before kissing my lips gently.I slapped him lightly."How dare you"I said.I could see the passion in his eyes.I grabbed his face violently and kissed him back.He closed the door behind him and pushed me against the wall.The rain and the thunder concealed the moans coming from my mouth.He let go and slammed the door behind him.I stood stuck on the wall,my lips feeling numb.What had just happened.I had kissed someones husband.Now this was going to ruin my research.I would wake up and pretend nothing happened.Uma poor Uma.

End of chapter

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