chapter one,"pros and cons"

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chapter one

Winter has always, and will forever be my least favorite season. I hated going anywhere when it was snowing outside. I hate the cold. I hate the ice. I purely, without a doubt despise the entire winter season.

I had been in my house, cuddled up under my covers, not a single inch of my skin coming in contact with the chilled air. This was my happy place. Indoors. Away from any human. And more importantly- I was warm.

This was of course until there was a knock at my door. For a moment, I was set on just lying there, pretending as if I wasn't even home to greet them at the door.

Another knock sounds. Sighing, I get up, bringing my blanket along with me.

I swing the door open, finding a four-eyed boy hidden behind it. His hair was decorated with snowflakes and his nose was tinged with a red color. He wore a bulky navy blue coat, it too had the white flakes adorning it.

His face lights up at the sight of me. He presses a sweet kiss to my lips before inviting himself inside. I, of course, don't argue, gladly closing the door behind the two of us.

He peels his coat from his body and disposes of it onto my floor,"Sorry for not giving you a heads up or anything. I just could not take another moment of arguing with Edwin over the thermostat." 

Brandon was always texting me about how cold Edwin would set the thermostat. Like me, the boy envied the winter season. Unlike Edwin, who might as well be a human popsicle.

"It's alright," I say with a lazy shrug of my shoulders,"I could actually use a cuddle buddy."

He laughs while he kicks off his boots that were covered in what was once snow, but has now turned to liquid due to the warm conditions of my home.

"Sounds like a plan but I am going to need some of your hot chocolate first."

Brandon loves my hot chocolate. There wasn't any crazy extra ingredients to my hot chocolate- only warm milk, cocoa powder, and a pinch of cinnamon. According to Brandon though, it is the greatest thing known to man.

As I shuffle through my cabinets for two cups for the two of us, Brandon made himself comfortable at my island.

"How's your writing coming along? Got any new updates on Benson and Delilah?"

I laugh softily at his words. Benson and Delilah were both characters of my new book- who were at some point supposed to fall hopelessly in love with one another at some point.

"Actually no. I'm at a dead end at the moment. But how's the boyband life coming along?"

"It has it's pros and cons," He stands up abruptly and struts over towards me,"One of the pros is putting out music and having people other than my mother listening to it."

I smile softly,"I hope to get to that at some point with my book. I'd like to get some feedback from people other than you and Edwin."

"You read it to Edwin too?" He asks with furrowed brows.

"I send him links. He doesn't get it read to him
like you do."

"Still hurts," He implies, sucking his teeth.

I shake my head as a small grin resided on my face. I shove his shoulders teasingly. "Oh please. Go wait in my room, Brandon. I'll bring up your hot cocoa in a moment."

"Don't forget to put those extra dinosaur marshmallows in mine."

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