chapter four,"not on my watch"

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chapter four

I am seated at my desk. My fingers hovering over the keyboard as I stare blankly at the screen. Sighing, I break my intimate stare down with my computer and push myself up from my chair.


Almost instantly, my door was opened and Brandon appeared. A pink party hat was on his head. I suppose he had explored a little bit of my home out of boredom.

He shut it behind him, his brows furrowed in a concerned manner,"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I just- I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I need you to distract me."

"Are clothes inclusive?"

I roll my eyes before taking his face in my hands and connecting his lips with mine. He reacts hesitatingly, placing his hands lightly on my hips. I sweep my hands around his neck, deepening the kiss.

"Is that a no?" He mutters against my mouth.

I detach our lips for a moment to slide my hands down his chest,"You tell me."

He wrestles his shirt off. The pink party hat comes along with it. He hungrily attaches our lips once more. I smile into it,"Brandon."


"Did you get into my cheesecake?"

"I might have or two...slices," He mumbles in between kisses. He pulls away momentarily to latch his hands onto the hem of my shirt.


The sound of my brother's frantic voice echoing throughout my home, causes the two of us to instantly break apart. Accompanying Nick's shouts was a sound that could only be described as a herd of buffalo making their way up my stairs.

Brandon quickly plopped himself down onto my bed and grabbed the book from my nightstand. I hurriedly seated myself at my desk.

As if on queue, Nick and his other three accomplices bursted through my bedroom door. Each of the four boys were bundled up in their winter attire. They even so generously kept their winter boots on as they trod their happy asses through my house.

"I wanted to come alone to check on you but they all insisted that they join," Nick says, giving me a half smile.

"Yes, we all were just dying to find out how things were going over here. But, hey, your pantry is still in the same place, right?" Zion speaks up.

"I believe so, Zion. It didn't just get up and move over night."

"Man, how inconvenient would that be," He says with a laugh as he makes his way towards the door. He stops in the doorframe,"Also, Iris, do you happen to have alcohol?"

"Are you trying to get hypothermia, Zion?" Edwin asks with furrowed brows,"Cold weather and alcohol? Not a good mix."

"Pussy," Zion mumbles incoherently before turning away and making his way down the hall.

Austin sighs,"Zion is experiencing Fortnite withdraws. Don't mind him."

"Brandon, not that it's any of my business, but can you explain to me why you are reading a book titled Pure Womanhood?" Nick asks.

Brandon looks up over the top of his book, arching up an eyebrow,"It provides a lot of interesting information."

"Do you have nerf guns?" Zion asks as he pops his head into the room once more, this time with his mouth stuffed with a muffin.

I purse my lips,"No, Zion. I do not."

He groans dramatically and walks away again, muttering profanities under his breath. Austin sighs,"I better go check up on him. Maybe get him to take a nap or something."

"You're going to take him home to sleep, though, right?"

Austin frowns, glancing between Nick and I,"Well, uh, Nick told us we'd be staying over tonight. Didn't he..." He stops mid-sentence as he notices the look I was giving Nick.

"Guess not. Well, I'll leave you to it," He says before quickly dismissing himself. Edwin manages to escape also, leaving just Nick, Brandon, and I by ourselves.

"Listen, Iris, I know what you're about to say-."

"What was the one rule that I insisted be inaugurated if I lived down the street from you?"

He sighs, his shoulders slumped,"I will not show up out of the blue for unnecessary reasons."

"And look what you've done? You broke the one rule I created. You didn't even bother knocking. And you brought three other people with you. Then you invited all of them to stay the night without my consent!"

Brandon closes his book and sets it aside. He sits up,"Come on, Iris. This could be fun. Just let them stay this one night and they'll go home in the morning."

I glare at him. And surprisingly Nick did also.

"Why are you speaking as if this is your home too? Why are you shirtless in my sister's bed? Are the two of you sleeping together? Have you guys formed a secret marriage behind my back?"

"Oh god, I need to go lie down," He says, running his hands through his hair,"Please tell me that there is a place in this house that I can lie down on that you guy's haven't-."


He doesn't say any further words as he storms out of the room. I look back over at Brandon.

"I can't believe you took his side," I grumble in annoyance. He only smiles as he stood up,"I love you," He says, ruffling up my hair and placing a kiss to the center of my forehead.

"I've got to check on your brother though. To make sure he isn't having a heart attack."

I smile,"Okay."

He nods his head, smiling also as he stuffs his hands into his jean pockets,"Catch you on the flip side then."


"Hm," He hums, turning back to look at me.

"Please don't say that. And put a shirt on. Spare my brother's pour heart."

A/N: it's 3am. I have to be up in 2 and a half hours. You're welcome.

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