chapter thirteen,"tour"

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chapter fourteen

I woke up in the prettymuch household this morning. Brandon wasn't anywhere in sight and by the commotion coming from downstairs, I'd figured I was the last one to wake up.

It was one of the mornings that everything just felt off. Everything was still the same, really. It was just the factor that the boy's all had a tour coming up, that I wouldn't be attending, that was throwing me off.

I make my way down the stairs, the noises of clattering pans and voices amongst the boys drawing nearer. I find myself in the kitchen, smiling to myself as I watch Nick and Austin cooking up some pancakes.

"Hey," I say in my groggy morning voice as I take a seat at the table.

"Hey, Ris," Nick says, sending me a smile over his shoulder,"We're doing something fun today. Care to join?"

"Can't. I have work, Nick."

Nick licks some pancake batter off his fingers, smiling. He presses a kiss to my temple and sits down next to me,"Well, I called off work for you. So I think that you do have a free schedule today."

"Seriously, Nick?"

"I love you, little Mara."

I roll my eyes,"I love you too."

"I'd love to join in on this little love fest," Brandon says as he pours himself a cup of coffee. Nick and I both look up at the boy, grinning similar grins at him.

"Go get dressed, Arreaga. We're going out today," Nick says as he gets up from his chair,"As a family. One last time before we head off."

Brandon looks at me over his cup of coffee, a charming smile on his face. Austin sets down a plate of pancakes in front of me, directing my attention away from Brandon.

"Thank you, Austin."

"No problem. Can I get you some syrup?"

"No, thanks. I'm good," I smile.

He gives me a nod before turning around, taking the coffee pot from Brandon. He brings it to his lips, drinking it directly from the pot. He leaves not too long after that, leaving Brandon and I all by ourselves.

He still stands by the counter, his hands grip the edge of it as he looks over at me. A look resides in his eyes that I couldn't quite describe.

"I love you."

He smiles, nodding as he approaches me.

"Oh, I know, Iris Mara."

He places his hands on my hips, smiling adoringly over at me. I fiddle with the collar on his shirt as I look at him.

"You're too good to me, Brandon."

"No," He sighs,"You're too good for me. You're way out of my league, baby."

"How'd we move from wet dreams to this."

"Who knows," He laughs, leaning forward and pressing a sweet kiss to my lips. He smiles against them,"I love you so much."

"Me too, B."

Edwin enters the kitchen all of sudden, dressed in an eccentric blue outfit. He opens up the refrigerator, withdrawing a gallon of 2% milk.

"You guys are gross. You always know how to make single people feel shitty about themselves."

"What happened to Scarlet?" I ask, moving away from Brandon to face the Dominican boy.

He lowers the milk carton from his lips, wiping the corners of his mouth,"False alarm. I'm giving my little Jimmy a break for a while. From now on he'll be served with only the most quality pussy."

"Pussy?" Zion queries as he walks into the kitchen. He pulls out a chair from the dining table and kicks his foot up onto it to lace up his shoes.

"Edwin is taking a vow of abstinence," Brandon says teasingly as he discreetly grabs ahold of my hand.

"Temporary vow of abstinence."

"Mhm, we'll see about that, Ed," Zion says,"How long did your last temporary vow of abstinence last?"

Nick strides into the kitchen once more, a silver flask and plastic baggy filled with marijuana grasped in his hands. He cocks up an eyebrow,"Are you guys coming or not?"

I look at Brandon. Brandon looks at me. I look back at Nick. I nod my head.

"Hell yeah."


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