chapter two,"no fun"

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chapter two

I woke up in my room. It was pitch black- which told me that Brandon and I had napped for a little longer than we had intended. Brandon wasn't in the bed when I awoke.

The house was rather quiet. The only noise that I could detect was the soft hum of my television downstairs.

"Brandon," I say softly as my eyes fall on the boy who was seated on the sofa. I rub my tired eyes as I make my way closer to him.

He looks up at the sound of my voice. His eyes lit up and he instantly waved me over.

"Come look at this," He says while reaching forward and taking my remote into his hand. He turned up the volume and the once incoherent voices became more clear. I take a seat next to him and look up at the TV.

"The state of California and several surrounding states are expected to see several inches of snow tonight- something that California residents has not seen in years. The weather conditions are expected to be severe. We'd advice to avoid state roads if possible and that you have look over our weather precautions that are listed on our website. This is Jan Scott from the Weather Channel..."

I look over at Brandon as the woman- Jan Scott -sums up her news report,"Do you think it's too late for us to book a flight out of here?"

"Doubt it. There's already at least four inches out there."

A loud groan ruptures from the depths of my throat as I sink even further into my couch cushions.

"Hey! This could actually be fun."

I look over at the boy skeptically while arching up an eyebrow,"Fun? How could this possibly be fun?

"Fun is my middle name, Iris. Duh," He says.

I force myself up from my seated position. I cross my arms across my chest and look down at the boy before me.

"Go ahead and prove me wrong then, Arreaga."

If I had known that the boy's idea of fun was an hour long game of monopoly- a probably would have just went back to sleep. Perhaps I would even go as far to hibernate for the remainder of this winter storm.

"Oh, you landed on my property again. Give me  my 50 bucks pronto, Mara."

I groan dramatically,"Brandon, can we please do something else? Monopoly is not my cup of tea. You know this."

He sets aside his massive stack of Monopoly money and crosses his arms,"Okay, Iris, well I have ways of making monopoly interesting. I could, for one, lose all my knowledge of the game and grant you the winner."

"Not fun, whatsoever. What do you win for beating someone in a monopoly game?"

"Okay, well if that doesn't interest you. How about we try something a little different," He bites down onto his bottom lip, a small smirk evident on his lips- otherwise known as the look. The look was something I was beyond familiar with.

"No, Brandon, whatever you're about to say, save it. I know that look. And I would prefer you refrain from looking at me like that ever again."

He laughs,"Come on, Mara. Don't be uptight."

"Excuse me? I am not up-."

"Sorry, what's you say? I can't hear anything over that uptight energy that's coming from you."

I slide down off of my chair and push it in. A little too harshly to show my aggravation. I toss my Monopoly money down onto the board.

"I was just messing with you, Iris," He says. It would have sounded somewhat sincere if he wasn't laughing as he said it.

"I don't care what your intentions were," I say, my feet still trained on moving in the direction of my bedroom,"You can sleep on the couch tonight, by the way."

The moment I stepped into my bedroom, the lights powered off. This was the worst thing that could have possibly happened in this moment. Definitely intentional too. God, I'm going to speak to you about this in my afterlife.

"Brandon.." I call out half-heartedly. I knew now that there was no way I was going to sleep by myself tonight- not that that wasn't definite before. I was just wishing I could pretend to be mad at him a little while longer.

All of a sudden, a light lit up- a ray of light coming from the end of a flashlight.

"I brought a flashlight this time, Iris. That way you have no excuse for accidentally grabbing my dick."

"It was an accident," I say with a roll my eyes as I turn around.

"Oh, but you enjoyed it," He laughs.

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