chapter three,"invasion of privacy"

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chapter three

"Oh my fuck, Iris, are you okay? Do you have everything? Do you need me to come over?" A very worried older brother retorts into the phone. The snow had picked up overnight, apparently it was enough to raise concern within the twenty-one year old male.

"Yes, Nick. Everything is fine. I've got food, flashlights. Trust me I have every essential item you could possibly think of."

Despite my attempts at keeping my voice as low as possible, in fear of awakening the boy sound asleep in my bed, he began to stir. I looked over at him as he had himself propped on his elbow, smirking over at me.

"I've got to go, Nick. I'll talk to you later."

I hang up the phone before Nick could say another word. His excessive worrying was beginning to make me worry.

"I'm sorry for waking you."

"It's alright," He bites down onto his bottom lip, his eyes scanning my body,"What happened to your shorts? Did I do that? If so, I apologize. I have the tendency to act out my biggest fantasies in my sleep."

"No, I just got hot last night."

I flick on the bathroom light switch and step inside. I grab my toothbrush from my cabinet and turn my head to look back into my room. I have to force myself to look away from the sight of a shirtless Brandon, buttoning up his jeans.

"Brandon, I was thinking that now that the electricity is back on, that maybe you could spend the day watching TV or something. I want to work on my book today. I really can't afford any interruptions."

I watch as the boy comes into my view in the reflection of the mirror. He passes by me and retrieves his own toothbrush from the cabinet. He closes it and turns to me.

"I thought I told you that I could help you with that. You need some help from someone with an outside perspective to get you out of the hole."

I spit some of the foam in my mouth into the sink. I wipe the excess dribble off my chin.

"You are aware that writing a book and writing a song aren't exactly the same thing, right?"

"Eh," He says with his own mouthful of toothpaste. He spits in the sink,"Your book is a romance novel, correct?"

"Mhm," I hum, slightly muffled by the bristles of my toothbrush brushing against my molars.

"And do you know what romance would look like if it was a life form? Brandon Arreaga, baby."

"Funny," I say as I spit the last bit of toothpaste in my mouth down the drain. I rinse off the brush and set it back into the cabinet.

"There isn't anything funny about it. You just don't know. You've never ridden on the Arreaga train before. Doors are always open though."

"Is romantic Brandon just like regular Brandon but with only light seducing?"

He turns around and grabs ahold of my left hand. He presses a kiss to the back of it and then uses it to pull me closer to his chest,"You tell me."

With his hands placed on the small of my back with a light touch, he dips his head down to capture my lips in a slow kiss.

I pull away, my eyes still closed,"You know, I don't think it's going to cut it. I still feel the same 'I want to fuck you' vibes lingering somewhere, masked behind all of your attempted romance."

I press a single kiss to his lips before opening my eyes. I ruffle up his hair and give him a smile,"Sorry, baby."

I slip out of his embrace and go back into my bedroom.

"Well, romance is just a man's way at getting into girl's panties. Which is why I can't be romantic because I have respect for women."

He steps out of the bathroom,"You know, It's been over 365 days since I met you. That's over a year since I knew that I wanted to fuck you. That takes a lot of courage for man to go dry for so long, Iris. Me on the other hand, easy."

"I'm glad it's easy for you because you're going to go dry forever if you keep up with me, B."

He only smiles,"I'm never leaving. You make me extremely happy. And trust me, I'm in love with that pussy and I haven't even met it yet. I've got time."

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