chapter eleven,"abstinence? we dont know her"

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chapter eleven

I let out a shaky breath,"Ready," I confirm.

I let out a shaky breath,"Ready," I confirm

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He grins slightly,"You sure?"

"Shut the fuck up."

"I don't like it when you look at me like that

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"I don't like it when you look at me like that."

"Sorry not sorry."

"Fucking choke, Arreaga

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"Fucking choke, Arreaga."

"You'd choke on this dick."


He forces my back down against the bed, attaching his lips with mine. His hands fumble with my underwear as the make-out session only continues.

This was not my intentions.

His kisses move down to my neck as his hands trace over my skin. I roll over, climbing on top of him.

He kicks off his shoes as I unclasp my bra. I lean down and press my lips to his as he tugs at the roots of my hair. My hands travel down his chest, finding the knot in his sweatpants.

He forces me on my back and goes to work at untying them. They were dropped onto the floor in an instant, his underwear following not long after.

"How do you want to do this?" He asks with unsteady breaths as he looks down at me from the edge of the bed where he knelt.

"Just please fuck me, Brandon."

He was quick to oblige, grabbing me by my ankles and tugging me closer to him. He picks me up. I steady myself by holding onto his shoulders as he enters me.

My hands tighten on his biceps as he finds his rhythm. I bury my face in his neck, letting out quiet moans against his skin.

"I love you," He says, a soft groan tumbling passed his lips.

A/N: the end of this book is comingggg

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