chapter twelve,"broke bitch"

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chapter twelve

Money has been tight for me for a while now. My book is a work in process. I adore it whole-heartedly, but it isn't paying the bills. To cope with my money situation, I got a job.

You would assume this would limit the amount of time I'd get to spend with Brandon or any of the other boys.  But that just wasn't the case with these boys. In fact, they were my most loyal customers.

"I will take a banana smoothie, please," Zion says with a wide smile while sliding his card across the counter.

I roll my eyes teasingly before swiping his card,"Early morning, Kuwonu?"

"Yes," He says with a grin as he raps his hands on the counter to the Mario tune,"Because Zion Kuwonu managed to score himself a date tonight with a beautiful woman."

I quirk up an eyebrow as I pass him his smoothie,"Oh really? Am I familiar with this quote unquote- beautiful woman?"

"No, I would never bring any of my potential love interests around you. You're like one of those really embarrassing aunts."

I frown. He stops sipping his smoothie and wipes his lips,"No offense to you, of course."

"It's totally like you saying 'no offense' makes it any less hurtful," I mumble beneath my breath as the door clambers open. My eyes meet my boyfriend as he strides towards Zion and I.

"Am I interrupting something?" He teases with a charming smile. He leans across the counter and presses a quick kiss to my lips.

"Not really. I was just about to be on my way," Zion says,"I have some preparing to do for tonight. I think I'm going to shave my pubes for this one, B."

My face contorts in disgust at the boy's words,"Okay, Zion, that's really unnecessary information."

"Okay, auntie, whatever you say. But for the record, shaving your pubic hair is actually extremely romantic. Ask any guy."

With that he turns on his heels, tossing his empty smoothie container in the trash bin as he passes by.

Brandon raises his eyebrows in amusement. He grins tauntingly over at me,"Auntie?"

"He said that I'm like an embarrassing aunt. Can you believe him? He's been a lot more annoying than usual lately. I can't stand it."

"When does your shift end?"

I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear, sighing,"Two o' Clock."

"Do you think Jimmy Neutron will cover for you?" Brandon asks, his eyes flickering back to my co-worker sitting behind me- whom Brandon hates.

I roll my eyes,"His name is Aaron. And no, I can't just leave him here by himself."

"It doesn't look like he's doing much anyways. He could use a little extra work," Brandon says.

I look back at the boy, finding him flipping through a men's magazine. I turn back to look at Brandon who was looking at me with a convicting look.

"Still no."

He groans exaggeratedly,"Then can I sit in the back, please? I want to see you."

"I can't. It's employees only."

"Fine. Can I get a mango smoothie then? And I'd prefer it be made by barf boy back there."

"You're being very immature, Arreaga. I'll get you your smoothie but you can't stay here, B. I don't want any more customer complaints."

"Fine," He huffs, leaning against the counter. I smile at his childishness as I turn around to prepare his smoothie.

"I love you," I say with my back to him.

"I love you too, baby."

The door opens once more and in trots Edwin, accompanied by his temporary fling. He presses a kiss to her cheek and they part. He makes his way over to us, slipping into the back room. He comes out only a few moments later with an apron around his neck.

"Before either of you start to ask any questions, her name is Jamie, and yes, I'm serious about this one."

Brandon grins, cocking up an eyebrow,"Really? Where'd you meet her?"

"What's it to you?"

"We're just curious," I interject as I set Brandon's mango smoothie onto the counter in front of him.

Edwin looks up, sighing.

"7/11 parking lot. Three a.m. Had the best sex in my life in the back of her Lexus."

"You're right. She's a keeper," Brandon implies with a wide grin.

"Oh, shut up, four-eyes," Edwin huffs with a roll of his eyes as he snatches the mango smoothie from the boy,"You act like you haven't had an desperate hook-ups in your lifetime."

"Brandon's life long hookups? I'm interested."

"No, no, and no. I really don't see how it's fair that Edwin gets to work here and I don't."

I roll my eyes teasingly. The bell chimes and I was taking the order of another customer once more. A youthful woman stood before me. Her hair was blond and frizzed about. She appears to have just got finished running the block.

"Strawberry Kiwi smoothie, please. A small."

"No problemo," Edwin says as he starts up the smoothie making process. Of course, he sings out his signature smoothie-making-song, as he likes to call it.

"You should really be heading home, Brandon."

Brandon half-smiles,"Okay. I'll see you at two then, baby?"

"Of course," I say with a smile, watching as the boy makes his way towards the door.

Edwin sets down the kiwi strawberry smoothie in front of the woman, giving her a flirtatious smile.

"Muy bonita, mi amore."

I roll my eyes.

"That'll be 2.37 ma'am."

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