chapter nine,"how big?"

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chapter nine

It has been a slow day. Nothing exciting has come up whatsoever in the seven hours I've been awake. My girlfriend, Iris, was out and about with her female friends, shopping.

My cheek pressed against the arm of her recliner. My feet kicked back. Mindlessly, I scroll through my Twitter feed, with little to no interest.

I hear the front door open and I instantly jolt up. I watch as Iris comes into view, a few bags adorning her arms. She sets the bags onto the sofa before she actually notices me.

"Hey, baby," She says sweetly accompanied with an even sweeter smile. She plops down onto my lap sideways, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I laugh against her neck,"Hey to you too, baby, I missed you."

She pulls back. The same smile was etched across her cute face. I lean forward, placing a quick kiss to the tip of her nose.

She repositions herself so that her legs were now on either side of me, straddling my waist. The shifting of her body and the friction that follows was enough to make my breath hitch.

"The girls and I were talking today. About a lot of things- but there was a certain topic that popped up that really stuck with me."

She adverts her eyes downwards, avoiding meeting my eyes. This was a tell-tale of her anxiousness.

My brows furrow. I place my hands on her hips,"Is something wrong, baby?"

"How- uh..This is a weird question...How big are you?" She says in a small voice as she fiddles with her fingers in her lap.

My eyes go wide,"Do you mean my penis? Are y-you asking how big my penis is?"

"I mean it's just- they were all talking about the pain level when it comes to that type of stuff. And I mean when we have sex-."

I take a hold of her hands,"Baby, don't worry about this. Don't stress over it. When the time comes, I'll make sure you're as comfortable as possible," I say as I raise her left hand to my lips and press a kiss to her knuckles.

"What if now is the time?"

I smile,"It isn't. I want our first time to be special. Right now, you're riddled with anxiety. You'll know when you're ready. Don't rush this."

She purses her lips,"I bought some lingerie today. I want to put it to use."


She leans in closer to my face, smiling,"I want to facetime tonight at ten. I'll call. Be ready to answer that call. Clothing is optional."

With that, she got up, heading about her business. I was left astonished in the spot where I had been abandoned.

Was I about to have phone sex?

𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞; 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐚Where stories live. Discover now