chapter eight,"satisfaction"

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chapter eight

My palms were sweating profusely as I sat at my island. Brandon's back is to me as he pours wine into two glasses for the both of us.

He hands me one of the two wine glasses. I manage a small smile before raising it to my lips. The pungent liquid was gone in an instant.

Brandon was smirking over his own glass at me. He takes a small sip before setting it aside. He makes his way around the table, causing my hands to clench even harder on my chair.

He arrived in front of me. He gives me a single glance before settling down on one knee. He slowly removes my heels, allowing them to fall to the ground one by one. With slightly parted lips, he rises to his feet once more.

My body seems to ignite into flames as I feel his touch on my lower thighs. He looks at me with a look that should be considered a crime.

Slowly, he rubs my skin in small, circular motions, inching his way up my bare thighs with every completed circle.

A shaky breath falls pass my lips as I feel my entire nerve system convulse under the boy's delicate touch. He watches his hands moving against me with a set look of concentration.

They fall right below the bottom of my dress. He looks up,"Have you changed your mind?"

"No," I say, letting out a deep breath before leaning forward hastily.

I kiss him with an open mouth. He grabs onto my hips, bundling up my dress in his hands. My body seems to melt into his as our lips move together fervently. I have him flush against me as I tug him closer, my hands gripping tightly to his hair.

He parts from me and forcibly tugs my dress up my thighs. His hand moves between my thighs, moving my panties aside. He brings his thumb to my clit and begins to massage it, rubbing it in a series of fast, uncoordinated motions.

My hips rise from the chair as I whimper quietly. My head rolls back. Brandon uses his other hand to pull my dress even further up my body.

He removes his hand from my underwear and takes my dress off all the way. Instantly he finds my breasts. He unclasps my bra and slides the straps off my arms that were littered in goosebumps. He captures each of them in his mouth, swirling his tongue against each bud.

He scoops me up into his arms suddenly, without any of the slightest warning. He sets me down onto the counter momentarily. Once his jacket was discarded on the floor, I was collected once more. 

We make it to my bedroom. He shoulders it open and takes me inside. He uses his foot to usher it shut behind us.

I was soon settled on my bed, my back pressed against the mattress. Brandon stands at the end of it, kicking off his shoes. He makes his way back to me after the task had been completed.

His body hovers over mine. I watch as his chest rises and falls rapidly as we stare at one another, my own breath being unsteady. He breaks the eye contact as he attaches his mouth to my neck. I let out a moan at the feeling of him nipping at the sensitive skin.

He travels further down my body. Electricity arises within me at his fingertips. I look down at him. The look he gives me as he lands above my panty line, sends my body into overdrive. I was practically shaking at the sexual rigidity radiating off of him.

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