chapter ten,"take it off"

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chapter ten

Did I imply to my boyfriend that'd we should try to have phone sex? Yes, I did. My inexperienced self signed myself up for it. For a while after that, I'd felt extremely confident.

My confidence was wavering now as Brandon answers his phone. His face pops up on my screen.

"Hey," He says with a smile.

I freeze up at this point. Was I supposed to get straight to the point? Or go slowly? Do I need to show him a titty or something?

He clears his throat, evidently having caught on to my uncertainty,"Iris, you know that I'm fine with just talking to you, right?"

For a moment I considered this, but was I seriously about to let my hour long pep talk go to waste? It was now or never. I must face my fears.

With unsteady hands, I reach for the knot on my robe, that maintains all of my goodies. Brandon's eyes seem to follow my hands and he visibly gulps. He readjusts himself, moving onto his side.

My original intentions were to sexily keep eye contact with him as I undid the contraption tied around my waist. It turns out though, that attempting to untie a knot that had been laced too tightly, with sweaty hands, didn't mix well. One can only make struggling to get a robe off attractive for so long.

Eventually, I become aggravated. I break the stare and use both my hands to take a stab it. Brandon only laughs.

"This isn't funny, Arreaga," I say through  tightly clenched teeth.

"Mm, it is though."

I look up at him,"I despise you."

He runs a hand through his hair, grinning,"You do know how extremely sexy you are, Mara? I mean, I thought Nick was fuckable, but baby, you left him in the dust."

"Oh god, Brandon, now is seriously not the time to mention my brother. You just powered me off completely," I say, throwing myself back onto the mattress.

False. I soon realized there wasn't such a thing as being turned off in the presence of Brandon Arreaga. Soon enough, I had grown to become frazzled- I believe that is the best way to put it to words- even more than before.

Somehow, I manage to undo my robe, left in the fine, silk lingerie. Brandon bites his lip,"Could you lay down for me, babygirl?"

Of course I could. I had practically become submissive to the boy's every word. How exactly he managed to rile me up with only words was a question to me.

"Are you going to-?"

He only flashes a smirk before tugging his shirt off. His chains fall against his chest after the shirt was discarded. He collapses back against the bed once more.

"Are you ready?" He asks, licking his lips.

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