chapter five,"salsa struggles"

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chapter five

"Do you need any help, Iris?" Brandon asks with a laugh,"Is that jar seriously getting the best of you?"

"No, I don't need your help, Brandon," I say back harshly, still visibly struggling to open the jar of salsa.

He only smirks before going back to preparing him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. As he begins to apply his jelly, he speaks up,"Are you by any chance, still mad at me for taking your brother's side?"

I set down the jar with a little too much force. My careless actions sends the jar toppling off the counter onto the kitchen floor where it shatters at my feet.

Brandon looks over at me then down at the jar that was now in a thousand pieces. He slowly slides the butter knife out of his mouth. He licks his lips, smiling slightly down at the mess on the floor.

"I uh, I think it's open now."

I roll my eyes,"No shit."

Zion stood in the doorway now. He too was eyeing the chunky salsa piled up on the floor. He looks at Iris and frowns.

"What happened to the salsa?"


I saw Iris' face contort. I out of all people, knew this face all too well. She was about to blow her top. Zion was about to get the showdown of his life.

She smiles softly. Which, if you're wondering was not a good sign. It is never a good sign when a woman smiles only moments after getting pissed off. Zion walked into the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Zion, could you hand me a broom?" She says sweetly. That smile was still plastered on her lips as she spoke.

Zion quickly begins to object, which was something you should never do in the circumstance that you are dealing with Iris Mara. It doesn't quite matter if she is in a good or bad mood.

I grab the broom before Iris has a moment to process it. "Here you go, baby."

And just like that, everything went down south. Not on Zion, like I had originally interpreted that it would. But instead of Zion being held accountable, Iris went on me.

"I am breaking up with you! Right now, in this moment we are finished. Because you're an asshole. You are an inconsiderate jerk." As she speaks the word jerk, she begins to sob.

Ah, menstruation.

"Baby, don't cry," I say taking a step towards her.

She steps back also and in doing so she steps directly onto a shard of glass. Her face contorts once more,"Fuck!"

I quickly retrieve her before she can hurt herself again and pick her up. The crying proceeds. By now, all the boys had gathered around and were gawking silently at the scene unfolding before them.

I make my way towards the door, watching my step to avoid any further accidents. I pass by Nick and he's pointing at his penis which is his way of referring to "is she bleeding out of her vagina"?

I purse my lips and nod my head. Before going back to tending to the wounded girl,"Are you okay, baby?"

"No," She croaks out. She looks up at me a sniffles as I carry her up the stairs,"I don't actually want to break up."

"I know."

"I'm just on my period."

I have to refrain myself from retorting,'I know.' That would be like signing your on death away.

I set her down onto the edge of sink. I smile at her,"I'll make you some cookies. And the boys are going home. I'll make sure of it."

I press a kiss to her lips before bending down to take off her sock. She laughs,"You do know that the glass didn't actually pierce my skin, right?"

"Thank God," I say with a sigh.

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