chapter seven"i like it"

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chapter seven

When you associate yourself with the prettymuch boys, every day is a surprise. When you are in the presence of these boys, things are bound to happen. Things that you might not be programmed to take on.

So here I was, in the middle of the boy's crowded living room. Watching as bodies clash together in sync of the music. I had a cup filled with some sort of whiskey. A whiskey in which, upon one sip, I made the decision that it was a road I couldn't be bothered to go down again. It was more or less of a prop now.

I felt hands on my side. And soon enough, an intoxicated Zion stood by me. He was smiling very drunk-like, showing off his teeth a lot more than he usually does.

"Have you seen the bouncy house, Iris? It's lit as shit," He says as he carelessly tosses his arm over my shoulders.

I force a smile as I take his arm off of me,"I'll have to check it out later, Z. I'm going to go find Brandon."

"You know what, I don't think that'd be smart. I heard that someone puked in the bouncy house. It may or not have been me," He says as he slowly wanders away, a girl having caught his eye.

"I'm counting on you to keep that between us, little Mara," He calls out before going on to accidentally bump into the blonde woman.

All of a sudden, I feel someone grip my sides. Unlikes Zion's touch, it had much more force and lingered for a longer period of time.

"Hey babygirl," Brandon says into my ear. His voice was raspy and slightly slurred. He laughs softly into my ear,"You look so good tonight."

I turn around, smiling,"Right. Sweatpants are just so sexy."

He bites down onto his bottom lip,"I like it."

"How drunk are you?"

"I've had a few drinks. I'm not drunk enough to make irrational decisions," He says, sliding his arms around my waist. He looks down at me,"And right now, Iris, I've made the rational decision of wanting you."

I laugh,"Brandon, come on."

"Iris," He mimics me. His voice was low and deep. The irrational side of me was horribly affected by this.

"Let's get you some water, Arreaga."

His lips rise into a smirk,"I have some water in my room."

"I think the water in the kitchen will do just fine," I say with a gulp. Rational me was a ticking bomb at the moment. I was spinning out of control.

"I like my water room temperature," He implies with a grin as he takes hold of my wrist.

"No, you don't, Brandon."

He comes to a stop in the middle of the empty hallway,"I know your concerned about my sobriety, Iris. And if you don't want alcohol to be mixed in with our first time, we don't have to. At least let me take care of you."

My heart was racing in my chest and I was struggling for words,"I- uh."

"Baby," He says softly, sliding his hands down my sides,"You know you want this."

"Okay," I say, only above a whisper.

He gathers me in his arms in an instant and sets off for the stairs.

"B...Can we do this at my house?"


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