chapter six,"hysteria"

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chapter six

The snow lasted only a few more days. I was so thankful to see the sun shining again. And was really glad to be able to get out of the house and clear my head. A little sun was surely going to give me inspiration on my book.

The boys have been quite busy with their own boyband things for a while so I've been doing a lot of things on my own. I didn't have a problem with this, I actually found it quite refreshing.

It was around four 0' clock when Brandon made his first appearance for the day. I was extremely happy as I had managed to write an entire chapter for my book. Brandon was also excited for his own reason, which was that a new song of his was on the way.

Of course, as most healthy couples should, we both were happy for each-other which doubled our happiness. The two of us decided that this was definitely a time to celebrate.

We found ourselves in an ice skating rink. It was more of my idea, Brandon was a little hesitant. I found out a little later on why this was.

Things were going smoothly for the most part. Until, I made the decision to force Brandon to release my arm and skate by himself. He was not very good. Not good at all, actually.

"Okay, okay, okay," He kept repeating to himself as he skates along the edge of the ice rink. Coping mechanism, perhaps?

"Brandon, we can leave if you'd like. We could always go play with the guinea pigs at petco like you wanted."

"No!" He shouts out to me,"I have to accomplish this or my older self will call me a pussy. I can just see my eighty year old self. Sitting all alone in my recliner, thinking about this moment and how I backed out. I don't want to die with that burden on my heart, Iris."

"If it makes you feel better, you're doing a little better than when you first started."

He doesn't respond. Instead he goes back to muttering his okay's which had become nearly impossible to hear, due to the distance between us.

My phone rings. I pull it out of my coat pocket and answer it,"Hey, Edwin. What's up?"

"Hey, sorry to bother you, but you wanted the dark chocolate, correct?"

"Yes, Edwin. Is that all?"

"Should be but how's that date going?"

"Oh, my date is going just fine. Brandon appears to be on his own date with the railing though," I say while eyeing the boy who was cautiously side stepping his way towards me.

I hear Edwin laugh on the other line,"I could have told you that Brandon wasn't an ice skater."

"I know you could have. I told you what we were doing and you offered no warning."

"Don't tell me that you aren't enjoying him struggle, Iris. In fact, would you mind going into full description on what he is doing right now?"

"Very funny, Edwin. I'm going to go. Text me if you need anything else."

I hang up the phone. Sighing, I stuff it back into my pocket. The clashing of Brandon'a body against the ice for the umpteenth time echoed throughout the skating rink.

I look up to find him flat on his back and by the looks of it, he showed no signs of changing that. I skate over to him.

"Are you ready to go now?" I ask while looking down on him. He nods his head,"Yes."

"Do you need help up?"

"No. I'm going to crawl."

I purse my lips,"Okay, do what you have to do, baby."


The boy paced the isles in his oversized winter coat and worn out sneakers. He came to a stop in front of a shelf. No, it wasn't what he came here for but it sparked interest in him. He picked up the men's viagra and tossed it into the cart.

Of course, it wasn't for his own use. The boy liked to say that he was locked and loaded at all times. This would instead be tested on the other bandmates.

His feet were in motion once more, setting off down the pharmacy isles once more. He nearly passes his destination up. Gulping, he turns slowly on his heels to face the series of shelves.

Everywhere he looked there were different types of feminine products. He picked up the one that was the most eye catching.

"Tampax Infinity," He mutters to himself,"What the hell does that even mean?"

He places the box back onto the shelf and begins his search once more. His eyebrows furrow,"A Diva Cup? I don't even want to know."

The boy begins to look around in search for any assistance, only to find a short old woman staring him down. He smiles a small, forced smile before awkwardly turning back towards the shelves.

He grabs three boxes of a variety of different tampon types before rushing out of the isle.

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