Aftermath, Part 2 (Theseus)

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**Contains COG spoilers**

The door creaked open, allowing the light from outside to shine in. The room was dark. It felt empty despite the presence of a human, a bed and a table.


No sound or movement was made. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness and you found the desk in the room. There was no paper or quill on it. You set the cups down.

The curtains were drawn and a long, black coat was abandoned on the floor. You stepped over it, one step closer to the bed. There he was, lying down, looking like a lump under the covers. Carefully, you sat down next to him.

"Theseus," you whispered, "I know you're not asleep."

He didn't move.

"If you were," you continued, "you would be snoring away."

"Go away (Y/N)," his voice was muffled for he had the blanket over his face.

Without any argument from you, you got up and headed for the door that was still open. As you were about to step out though, the door shut itself. You turned to Theseus who hadn't moved an inch. Sighing, you went back to him.

This trick always worked on him and Newt. You didn't know why, but it works, so you're not complaining.

You took out your wand and muttered a few words. The blanket that had been covering Theseus flew off of him and levitated in the air. At the same time, the table and chair were moved towards either side of the bed. The blanket fell on top of them, and over you and Theseus. A few pillows appeared from nowhere, blocking out the gaps.

"Lumos minima."

The tip of your wand lit up, producing a small ball of light. It pinched off from your wand and hovered to the top of the blanket fort. You could finally see Theseus' face properly. He was squinting, getting used to the light, but the redness in his eyes were obvious.

His tie was undone and hanging loosely around his neck. He got up from his lying position, shoulders drooping like a withered plant. The auror that once had an aura of confidence around him was no longer there. Instead, it was just a chrysalis. Hollow, like a vacuum, no, dementor had sucked the living soul out of him.

The vacuum seemed to have sucked the words in your head out. You didn't know what to say, so you did what he did best. You threw your arms around him and let him bury himself in your shoulder.

He reciprocated, hugging you so tight you were struggling for breath, but you didn't mind. His constant sniffing as though he was resisting the tears screamed for your presence, so you didn't let go. You stroked his back, hoping to calm him down.

"Theseus, do you want to talk about it?"

He shook his head, a soft whimper escaping his mouth. The two of you stayed in that position for a few more minutes, his breathing becoming steadier. When he was calm enough, he let go and lay on your lap.

"What's there to talk about?" He said through choked sobs.

You ran your hand through his hair, "Whatever's that on your chest. The words that have been locked away when you're with everyone else. The words that are crying to be let out but you won't let them. That's something to talk about."

Theseus didn't respond. You knew he was trying to keep a straight face after that breakdown.

"Look, Theseus," you said softly, "I know you're trying to look alright because you think we expect you to."

"I am alright," he muttered, but you weren't buying it.

"We don't, you know," you continued, choosing not to call him out on his lie, "Me and Newt. We don't expect you to be fine. Just because you're the older one, you are still allowed to express your feelings. You don't just have to listen and comfort us like what older siblings do. I know you feel that you have to act strong for us, but you don't have to. You should learn from Newt. He's worried for you."

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