April Fools (Theseus)

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You've had enough.

It started out as a perfectly normal day with decent lessons. You woke up feeling fresh as a daisy, you had a good breakfast, and you weren't late for History of Magic. In fact, you were one of the first in class, but then as the clock struck nine, you were still the only one in class. Professor Binns was nowhere in sight, and neither were your classmates. Puzzled, you took out your timetable. It looked fine, except you couldn't help but sense some sort of aura around it.

Taking out your wand, you tapped your timetable, "Revelio."

The altered timetable changed back into the original one, and you bolted straight out of the room, down the stairs and to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom.

An idiot thought it was a good idea to play a prank on you.

Luckily for you, Professor Dumbledore was kind enough to let you in and he continued teaching as though nothing had happened. Sweaty and flustered from the run earlier, you buried your face into your textbook, hoping that none of your classmates would look at you. Unfortunately, you could feel the intensity of the stare of twenty pairs of eyes on you. You sank deeper into your seat.

You thought one small prank was enough, try a Peeves size prank. During the lunch hour, Peeves dumped buckets of water filled with Frog Spawn Soap onto unsuspecting students, and that included you. Your robes were soaked such that they stuck to your skin and you had no choice but to return to your dormitory to change into a new one. Apparently many of your dorm mates had been targeted as well, as many of them were crowded in front of the entrance to your common room, jostling past one another to get in.

By the time you were changed into a dry set of clothes, lunch hour was over and you had no choice but to head for your Care of Magical Creatures class with an empty stomach. As you ignored the growl that your body gave for what seemed to be the umpteenth time, someone bumped into you and walked past as if nothing happened. Hissing and rubbing your sore arm, you whipped around and called out to him.

"Hey! Watch where you're going, would you?"

The student didn't look back, but seemed to hurry along his way faster than before. You rolled your eyes and as you took a few more steps, and you suddenly remembered where you had seen that tuff of hair before. It was Theseus, one of your friends, and for some reason he wasn't with you the entire day, which he should be like any other day. You and him went for almost all your classes together.

If this was part of another prank to ignore you, you made a mental note to slap him when you got the chance.

By the time you got to class, you found Theseus at the far end of the group, that is, the far end away from you. Why was he ignoring you on a day like this? The past few years of April Fools, he was always there to protect you from any sort of prank, but this year he left you on your own, vulnerable to any attack. No wonder you've already been prank a hundred times today.

Okay, that was an exaggeration, but you've had it with all the pranks. You can't deal with one more.

Yet one more was what you had to deal with.

Another idiot decided it was a brilliant idea to set a bunch of nifflers loose, and someone had hid a bunch of shiny stuff in dirty, muddy areas. The class had been instructed to chase those pesky creatures down, and by doing so you've gotten your previously clean robes dirty again. And for some reason, there seemed to be fifty nifflers on the loose because by the time the class was done, dinner was half over and you had a feeling you would miss another meal.

You stomped back to the common room, not caring about the muddy tracks you were leaving behind. You were exhausted, dirty, hungry and most importantly, so fed up with the day that you thought perhaps you would just go to bed, not without checking for any bed bombs. Your stomach didn't even have the energy to growl anymore so it was best to conserve the remaining energy you had. You got changed into a fresh set of comfy, sleeping clothes and was just about to tuck yourself in when you heard a knock on the dormitory door.

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