Boxing Day (Theseus)

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The day after Christmas was always meant to be a relaxing one. You often imagined staying in bed, sleeping in until the sun set, or waking up and lying on the couch, observing the fireplace until your eyelids drooped.

Never did you imagine standing in the fireplace, dressed in your work attire. In one hand was a handful of Floo power, and the other held on to a briefcase. Carelessly, you threw the powder and said in a very unenthusiastic voice your desired destination.

"Ministry of Magic!"

A burst of green flames obscured your vision and you felt yourself fall, zooming through invisible tunnels. Your cozy living room disappeared, replaced with the mundane looks of your workplace. Honestly, you wouldn't mind coming back to work, but not on the day after Christmas. It's a real holiday mood breaker.

The Ministry was deserted. It was so silent, you swore you heard an owl dropping splat on a window somewhere. You walked towards the lift, stifling a yawn. Your heels clicked with every step you took, echoing throughout the building.

It was a comforting feeling to know that there was hardly anyone at work. It gave you a little more freedom to do whatever you want. Yet thinking of your colleagues at home, probably sleeping in, enjoying life, instead of being here, made you really jealous. It's not that they didn't have any work to do, or that you didn't finish your work before the holidays. You were an auror, one in training, and unfortunately your mentor had assigned you extra work in preparation for your auror tests next year. You were to file in several reports that you and your mentor had gone through the past month.

All to be submitted today.

As the lift stopped one floor before yours, you caught a glimpse of how empty the floor was. It was extremely empty. There was not a soul in sight, save for the house elf wiping the window of someone's office. He looked in and saw you and your glum face. He grumbled a greeting but you swore you caught him grinning. The lift doors closed and the elf was out of sight.

Finally, you arrived at your stop. Just like the other floors, the level where all the auror offices were situated was empty. You sighed, dragging your tired soul to the office you shared with your mentor. Once you graduated from auror training, you were definitely going to get your own office. No more having to share with your mentor and inhale his poisonous cigarette smoke, a nasty muggle invention he picked up.

You walked past a couple of doors, peering in to every single office in hopes that someone was there. Unfortunately, everyone seemed to be at home. Curtains drawn, you could only assume no one was in.


Well, apparently there was a person here today. Good, you could finally share your sorrow with someone. And from the sound of his voice, it was possibly one of your friends who was also in auror training. You gathered your frustration, ready to greet this person and start ranting about having to come back to work today, and hopefully he has the same thought.

When you turned around though, it took everything in you to swallow your frustration back inside.


The Head Auror waved, clearly in amusement at your shock. Hands in his pockets, he walked up to you with a smile plastered on his face.

"This is a surprise."

It sure was a surprise. Not only were you not expecting any auror in the higher levels to be here on such a day, but you were definitely NOT expecting the auror you've been crushing on to be here. Your mood took a 180 degrees turn, but it wasn't from grumpy to happy. It was like butterflies had made its way into your stomach without your consent.

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