Away From The Party (Theseus)

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You and Theseus were in your fifth year of Hogwarts, but you've known each other way before that. Your families have been close, despite your dad being a muggle, and the weekly visits to the Scamanders household for hippogriff sessions helped build the bond.

Every year, the Scamanders would usually host a Christmas party, inviting many of their close friends. This year was no exception.

Your family arrived slightly later than usual, but the party was already in full swing. You gazed in awe at the decorations that the Scamanders have put up. The blinking lights, the dancing snowmen on the Christmas tree, the singing was all amazing. There were people occupying the space near the fireplace, the kitchen and pretty much every available space they could find. The group closest to you included Mr Scamander, who was chatting animatedly about the latest Quidditch season.

Mrs Scamander greeted your family with warm hugs. After thanking her, you asked, "Where's Theseus?"

She scanned the sitting room briefly and furrowed her brows, "Not here, I believe he's upstairs."

You looked around, and she was right. There was no sign of the Hufflepuff anywhere. What you did spot, however, were a bunch of Hogwarts students whose families were close to the Scamanders. Not in the mood to greet them and to avoid an awkward situation, you quickly thanked Mrs Scamander again and dashed up the stairs.

The entire atmosphere changed at once. It was obvious the second level was out-of-bounds, and none of the cheeriness from downstairs spread up here. It was not exactly gloomy though, it was more peaceful and calm.

You recognised Theseus' room right away, because you've been up here many times. Knocking twice, you swung the door open, but there wasn't anyone inside. It was dark, and only the lights from outside illuminated the room.


Despite your soft voice, someone heard you.

"In here!"

He was in the room next to yours. That was his younger brother's room.

You made your way there. Inside, the lamp on the bedside table gave off a soft, yellow glow. The room was in a bit of a mess, with sketches of paper littered all over the table. There was a little aquarium under that same table, and as you bent down to take a closer look, your eyes stared straight into someone else's. He quickly looked away.

"Hello, Newt."

Newt stared at the aquarium, which you had just now noticed contained little tadpoles and and fishes. He tried to look up at you again, but decided the paper was less intimidating.

"Hi," he mumbled before he started to sketch.

"Don't mind Newt, that's his little hideout."

The one that you've been looking for was sitting on his brother's bed. Theseus looked the same as he did back at Hogwarts, but maybe because of the light, a little more...enchanting. His face seemed to glow, radiating a certain warmth that drew you closer to him, like a moth to a light. You took your seat next to him on the bed.

"Hi," was all you could manage to breathe out.

"Hello (Y/N)," Theseus waved his hand in front of your face to which you didn't respond. He did it again, and again, and again, until you finally blinked and came back to reality.

"Am I that handsome?"

Thank Merlin the lights were so dim in Newt's room, or else Theseus would have seen how red your face was.

"No," you said as you maintained your composure, "don't get ahead of yourself, Theseus."

He smirked and touched your nose lightly. The twinkle in his eye made you laugh, and he flopped back onto the bed. You grabbed a pillow and threw it at his face.

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