Youtube AU, Part 2

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5. Theseus Scamander

- Username: TheRealScamander

- Picture:

- 'Perks of' Series

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- 'Perks of' Series

— in which Theseus tries to persuade his viewers to be more open

— despite being a Ministry man, he can still find the time to post these weekly

— Perks of being a Muggle feat. Jacob
• "You've got smartphones that'll send a message over in a second! What have you got?"
• "Um...owls."

— Perks of being Friends with a Legilimens feat. Queenie

— Perks of being an Auror feat. Tina
• "Top secret, there's a room in the Ministry that has beds and all sorts of tea."
• "MACUSA has spa just a floor below the holding cells."
• "What?"
• "Yeah."
• "I'm jealous."
• "Join MACUSA! They don't mess up as bad as Britain!"

— Perks of being with Leta feat. Leta
• "Just because her last name is Lestrange, doesn't make her bad. Look at her. She lets me poke her face!"
• "How is it possible to love and hate you at the same time?"

— Perks of Magical Creatures feat. Newt

— Perks of Taking a Day Off
• "I know we're all busy people but sometimes it's good to take a break. Unwind, catch up with friends, or be like me. I'm going to sleep for 24 hours and if anyone wakes me, I'll murder them. That includes you, Newt."

- Weekly Vlogs

— 7. Chilling with Leta feat. Leta
• "Grow up, Theseus!"
• "Never! You love me like that."
• "Unfortunately I do."

—16. Bros Day Out feat. Newt

— 37. Newt's First Diagon Alley Visit (Archives)
• "Hello! Fresh out of Hogwarts, but this one's fresh in! We're going to Ollivanders to get his wand, cheer up Newt! It's not scary."
• "What if I break something? What if none of the wands want me?"
• "There will, be if there isn't, I'll personally make one for you."

— 51. Quidditch Season's Here!

• "After the 205th attempt-"
• "I think it's the 208th."
• "Right you are, Leta. We've managed to convince Newt for dinner!"
• "You still lost the bet, Theseus!"
• "Don't worry love, I'll pay later!"

— 68. Babysitting feat. Pickett
• "Somehow, this fellow's climbed onto me and I can't seem to find Newt anywhere. Guess I'll be stuck with you for a while. It's gonna be fun."

- Most Popular Series: 10 Reasons

— On his friends' or family's birthday, he uploads special videos dedicated to them

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