I'll Catch You (Newtina)

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They were running side by side.

The whole place was tearing apart. Dust from above crashed down in puffs of smoke and the cracks in the wall were spreading like a virus. The sound of the massive explosion from before still lingered even though they were certain they were a distance away. Most of the lights were out and the remaining few flickered spasmodically, making it essential for them to draw their wands to produce their own.

Being given the mission to gain insight on Grindelwald's plans, Newt, Tina and a couple of other Aurors were in the large theatre where Grindelwald was holding yet another rally. Unfortunately, Grindelwald was somehow able to spot them again, and while he asked most of the 'innocents' to leave, he cast a powerful spell that destroyed the whole place. What made things worse was the fact that he conjured a black mass, similar to an Obscurus yet not, to keep the group occupied while he made his escape. Instructions were given to split and run, and that was what Newt and Tina did.

As they passed through another doorway, a loud rumbling came from behind them. They shared a look as they knew the destruction was drawing closer. Newt could feel the coldness of the mass seep through his skin despite the thick, blue coat he was wearing. Tina's was much thinner, there was no doubt she'd feel the effects more.

"Tina," he said urgently, "You go first. I'll seal this door to buy us some time."

Tina shot him a concerned yet frustrated look. He can't believe how her eyes still looked amazing at this point of time.

"Don't be crazy, Newt. I bet you didn't even think through this," she said as she grabbed his hand, "Come on, we're already wasting time having this conversation."

She was right, he wasn't thinking straight, but it would really buy them time, and if worse comes to worse, buy her time. He swore to protect her in front of Theseus and he was going to keep that promise. He can't let anything happen to her, not while he was alive.

And so he wriggled his hand out of hers and held out five fingers.

"Five seconds, Tina," his voice held a tone of confidence, "Five seconds and I'll be right behind you."

"I'll help you, then."

"If you don't run now, I'll hex you and we'll both die here."

Noting his insistence, she huffed, "What am I going to do with you, Mr Scamander?"

Flashing her an awkward smile, Newt gently nudged her to go on while he started muttering a few spells. While doing so, he watched her run and turn her head back every two seconds. Back to the door which he had conjured up, a translucent shield was created. It emitted a soft yellow glow in contrast to the darkness and chaos from earlier. Deciding that it was enough, Newt turned and ran after Tina, who was not that far away.

Another loud growl could be heard behind her. Tina looked, heaving a sigh of relief as she saw Newt only a few steps away. She caught a quick glimpse of the protection he had set up. She had to admit, it was good charm work, and in such a short time too.

The next room she entered was large. It took a cylindrical shape, with elevated several walkways from one end to another, all at different levels. With the little light she had from her wand, it was impossible to see what was at the bottom. Heart pumping, she ran across the walkway, maintaining her balance so as to not fall off.

It was time to stop and wait for Newt. She turned back again to see the wizard, his legs carrying him straight for her.

"Tina! Don't stop!"

She rolled her eyes and with a slight teasing in her voice, she shouted back, "Who's going to make sure you get out of here alive, then?"

Newt's feet finally touched the bridge that Tina was on. She was at the halfway mark while he was at the beginning. From a distance, she could see his face flush despite the dark. She felt a small tug on her mouth as it took the shape of a smile, and for some reason she also felt the urge to ruffle his already messy hair. Maybe she could once he got here.

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