Best Man & Maid of Honour (Newtina)

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**Contains Secrets of Dumbledore Spoilers**

The speech he gave would have been the best one he's given his whole life, if he could have just stopped staring at her.

How could he not, though? Since Paris, he hadn't laid eyes on her because she got promoted to Head Auror. He was so proud of her the day he received the news. She had sent over a photo of herself in her new position, one that he kept close to his heart, or rather, in his case. Her smile could light up even the darkest of caves he had visited, and today, it was even brighter, which he thought was not possible. Every five seconds during his speech, he would turn in her direction, allowing himself a few seconds to admire her beauty as if it would be the last time he saw her.

But today was not about her. Today was all about Jacob, one of his closest, if not best muggle friend, and his new wife, Queenie. While getting publicly married was out of the question (with the laws and all), having a secret little ceremony with their little gang was enough. Finally, after losses, after grief, after perseverance and courage, love found a way.

And also finally, Newt was glad that he found a time to slip out into the quiet night. Not because he was done with the wedding, but because Theseus has had a little too much to drink, and Newt does not want to be there. Despite being Head Auror, his older brother was rather embarrassing at times.

(In case you were wondering, Theseus had burst out into song as he usually would when he let himself loose. Newt could only thank Merlin that Lally and Jacob and Queenie and, well, basically everyone, had all equally drank enough to match his energy levels.)

Outside, the snow fell gracefully from above, just as it had when the wedding first started. Newt glanced at where Dumbledore had sat, only to find that his former professor was no longer there. No surprise that any trace of footsteps had also disappeared. He lowered his head and closed his eyes. As the sound of his brother's beautiful voice entered his ears, perfectly harmonised with the others inside the bakery, he chuckled. Everyone else probably could not hear it, but Newt has trained with creatures for years and having sharp ears was essential for the job. He inhaled, enjoying the presence of peace in the cold yet somewhat comforting winter.

"Is the best man done with his duties?"

Newt lifted his head and opened his eyes, only to come face to face with Tina.

"Yes," he said, his eyes darting back to the ground again, "I assume the maid of honour is done with hers too?"

"Well, the maid of honour decided to take a little break from..." she watched the gang inside the bakery, "...whatever that is."

Newt mimicked her actions, staring at his brother enjoying himself for the first time since Paris, "Theseus enjoys making a mockery of himself. Most of the time, I don't wish to get involved. Sometimes I forget he's Head Auror."

He quickly added, "You're a much better Head Auror than him."

His brain only registered what had come out of his mouth only seconds after. He quickly turned towards Tina, face slightly flustered, an apology ready at the tip of his tongue.


"Thank you-"

They both stopped mid-sentence and waited for the other to continue. When neither said a word, both said the same thing.

"You go first."

Exchanging a shy laugh, Newt allowed the lady to go first.

"Thank you, Newt. That's very nice to hear."

And there it was again, her smile. Whatever Newt had intended to say was swept to the back of his mind. Instead, he just had the widest grin as he turned to face the snow once again. Tina did the same, and they stood next to each other in silence.

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