Option Three, Part 2 (Newt)

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The stairs you were on closed in on the next doorway, the one you intended to walk through. As soon as it jerked to a stop, you tore off as though there was a firecracker being lit at your heels. Thank Merlin that almost everyone went home, you wouldn't want them to notice you.

"Transfiguration classroom..." you passed the door, but then backtracked to take a peak inside. It was empty and dark, it sent a shiver down your spine.

That can't be right.

Newt was nowhere to be seen at all. The second floor corridor was deserted and everything seemed so still, apart from the dancing flames of the torches on the wall. You felt your heart sink. Amelia wouldn't lie to you, you were just too late. Newt had gone into hiding again. Sighing, you dragged your feet back to the staircase.

What exactly was he hiding from though? Why hasn't he shown his face to anyone? Your mind started to theorise where he could have gone. Definitely not the common room, Amelia would have seen him. The Forbidden Forest? That's crazy, it's too cold. He even warned you not to go in there at the start of the month because the ground would get too slippery.

The crash to your right startled you out of your thoughts.

You jumped, head snapping towards the source of the sound. It was a door, not a classroom door, more of a broom closet door, but you don't remember any broom closets on this floor. Curiosity got the better of you, so with your wand in hand, you opened the door.

And the mystery of the missing Scamander boy was solved.

There he was, clutching his head as he pushed himself up into a standing position. He stumbled backwards, the wall catching him before he fell again. You looked around the tiny room that he was hiding in. It looked normal, except for the tanks of tadpoles, streelers, the make-shift nest for chicks and a cauldron along with a few bottles at the corner.

"Newt," you rushed over to the boy, strangely in his Hogwarts robes, and helped to steady him. He winced slightly as he let go of his head, and then he flashed you an awkward smile.

"Don't worry, just had a fall, I'm alright (Y/N)," he said softly as he gently freed himself from your touch and headed towards his creatures.

"Were you here the whole time?" you asked, following closely behind, "I've been looking everywhere for you since term ended. I was so worried!"

He didn't look at you as he crouched down, stroking the head of a chick with his shaking finger, "In fairness, you did find me once."

From the way he was acting, it did seem as though Newt was going with option one as explained by Lincoln earlier. Not only did Newt not apologise for disappearing, he didn't even want to look at you. But that was how Newt usually acted, he had trouble with eye contact. And from the looks of it, he was just tending to the creatures left out in the cold like he always did.

Why did he have to be so confusing?

"Newt," you said, "I just wanted to spend time with you before Christmas."

He didn't move or respond, and you couldn't help but feel disappointed. Whatever you wanted to say was swept from your head, apart from one sentence.

"And Lincoln wants his sweater back."

"Oh," he said as he brushed past you, "Alright, I'll..."

Suddenly, he stopped, right in front of the door. You took a step forward, puzzled. You were about to place your hand on his shoulder, but that was when he moved away and sneezed. Twice.

"Newt, you alright?"

He nodded and turned around with a sheepish look on his face.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

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