"A New Beginning for Everyone"

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  • Dedicated to Julia Russ

Janella’s P●O●V

            Janella sighed as she packed her belongings. As far as she was concered, this summer had been the worst. Why? Having a Father being the C.E.O. of the world’s largest company wasn’t easy, infact they were always moving- this time, out of her home country.  “Jay, cheer up! I know you’ll love it there. Come on, we got to get going- after all, it is an 9 hour flight!" Grunting, Janella zipped up her suit case, picked it up off the floor, and saying her final goodbyes to her Florida pent house, walked out the door. 

Sure! England is going to be fun! After all, I have no friends there! Ugh! Well, atleast I will finally meet the one person I could probably call a friend- Brooke. This sucks. My life is officially over.

*  *  *

Brooke:  Hey Nella! Can’t w8 to greet u at the airport! My bff & pen pal is finally coming 2 my country & going 2 my school! That’s totes cool! Have a safe flight & I’ll c u soon! Kay? J x

Janella:  Heyy Brooky! Yeah. . . can’t wait! :/ I’m sure England is as great as you say it is, just I’m going to miss Florida. Well, I got to turn off my phone. Text you in a few hours! Byez J xx

Brooke:  Kay, love. Text u latez! And it’ll be gr8! I promise. <3 Bye J x

  Looking up from her White iPhone 4S, Janella relaxed in her seat. Shutting her eyes to a complete close, the plane’s intercom boomed on. “Welcome to Flight 418 to London, England! This is your Pilot speaking. We have minor turbulence ahead so fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride. Thank you and good bye Fort Lauderdale, Florida!” Quickly the speakers crackled, then everything silenced.

  “Good bye.” Janella whispered as she fell into a dreamless sleep.

*  *  *

            “Sweetie, wake up!” her dad chimed into her ear.

            “Huh?! Dad? What?” she sleepily replied.

            “Do you want ice tea or soda?” he quizzed.

            “Really dad? Really? I’m 18. Can’t I have coffee?”

            “You’re not 18 until 6 hours, but fine!”

   "I'm almost 18, I think you should give me a little credit." She smirked at her dads facial expression-- it was almost as if he was shocked his little girl was growing up. He handed her the drink, making her grin. "Thanks.” she giggled. As her dad ordered, Janella peered out her plane seats’ window- thinking about her mom. She never spoke of the incident, not even with Brooke. It just seemed as if there was no one she could trust. It was lonely with just her dad and herself- but even though she had a broken past, she smiled. No one had to know . . .

 Janella:  Hey Brookes. Just two hours ‘til I land! Def can’t wait to see you J xx

 Brooke:  Yo! He he, and yupp. I really can’t w8, Nella! We r going 2 have so much fun! I gotta go meet Mark so I’ll txt ya when I’m at the airport! Stay safe! J x

 Locking her phone, Janella sat quietly. Everything around her buzzed with a sense of absolute peace-- if that made any sense. There wasn't much to look at, even if she peered out the window next to her, all she could see was the white of the clouds they would enter. Nothing seemed to be of entertainment, and frankly, that's all she needed at the moment. 

She hadn't even noticed the hour had ticked by, when she opened her eyes to see people buckling their seatbelts. The intercom of the plane boomed to life in milliseconds, just after she had opened her eyes. 

   “Welcome to the United Kingdom folks! We will arrive in London in about an hour and 18 minutes. Remember: We can’t land or exit for at least two hours, so make yourselves a little comfortable! I’ll check in with you all shortly before we land! This is your pilot speaking, and welcome to your new destination!” An hour and 18 minutes ‘til my death. Maybe I’ll survive the first 2 minutes of my birthday in London, that way they will be able to say that I was 18 when I died, and not a child! She sighed at her frustration. Maybe her dad was ready for his new job position in England, but she was sure as hell not. Everything about moving she hated, she had never done it before, making this a new start for her. Sure, let's just leave and lose all my friends. Yup, that sounds like so much fun! The only security she got from the ride was thinking about what would await her. She had only ever contacted Brooke through Twitter, yet now they were finally going to meet. Maybe since we are both 18, which is technically legal in England, we can get a house together so I won't have to go with my dad's rules... She smiled at the idea, but quickly overlooked it. Everything was going to work out, she just had to hope.

 The more she waited for the flight to end, the more Janella thought about Brooke's text message. 

            Despite thinking of possible ways she might die, Janella couldn’t help but wonder who Mark was. Could Brooke possibly have gotten a boyfriend and not have told her? She felt so stupid and glum, why would Brooke keep this secret from her? She only had one friend awaiting her in her new homeland, and already it was off to a bad start. Great, just great. I guess now I’m really the only single girl in the world! Just perfect! And with that, she slumped back into her seat dreadfully awaiting the arrival in her new home land.

*  *  *

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