"Rapunzel, Rapunzel"

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 Janella’s P●O●V

            Racing inside, Janella slammed the door behind her- her head still down. Once behind her large Maple wood door, she glazed the door, her back sliding down it, cupping her hands-her head fell into them- and tears streamed down her eyes.

Minutes and minutes passed- tears still streaming down her face. Silently her sniffles faded into the afternoon storm. Getting up from her spot on the floor, the home phone began to ring.

Caller ID: Brooke Manchester


“Janella? Oh God, I haven’t been able to reach you in forever! Are you alright?!”

“Yeah. . . I’m fine.”

“Are you sure, because you don’t sound too happy.”

“Yeah, I just have a lot going on.”

“Yeah, I know love. I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright.”

“Well, if you need me. Call back- any time. Okay?”

“Okay. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Don’t worry everything will get better.”


“Hey, it will. Believe me.”

“I’ll try. I’ll just talk to you later Brooke.”

“Okay. Don’t forget: Call me if you need me! Bye.”


            Hanging up the phone, Janella walked around her new house. There were so many boxes around the place- so much to be done and unpacked.

I guess I mind as well unpack a few things for my dad and then go visit him. I’ll start with upstairs.

There were four rooms upstairs. At the far end of the hall was Janella’s bedroom, then on the opposite end was what she figured was a spare bedroom. Then in the middle of the two was a large bathroom for the guests (there was already one in her room) and finally to the left of her room there was another spare bedroom- she thought. Maybe it was a closet.

After unpacking and making the bed in the spare room across the way, Janella decided she should finish unpacking her room and doing the bathroom. Entering her bathroom, she began to pull boxes out and organize her counter top:

1.      Soap on the counter top- left side.

2.      Tooth brush/tooth paste holder- right side.

3.      2 cupboards underneath of sink: left side = make up storage; right side = mouth wash and moisturizer’s/ perfumes.

There. Everything is set.

Taking a few steps back into her room, she heard a sudden thud on a window. Then she heard another, and another!

What was going on?

Making her way over to her window- she realized it was a door. Opening up the glass doors, she walked out onto a beautiful balcony with a full view of all of London.

            “Rapunzel, Rapunzel- let down your long hair!” Harry shouted, smiling.

            “Hate to break it to you, but my hair isn’t that long!” she replied.

Harry laughed looking away to the left. Then he smiled again- looking up at her.

            “Well, my fair lady. I’d like to offer you an apology. Let’s say: Dinner at my house- 8:00?”

            “Tonight?” Janella blushed, not sure if she should accept or not.

Maybe this was her fairytale-but something still felt wrong. Maybe, this was like her mom’s story- but look how that ended.

            “Okay!” Janella cheered, before she could even stop herself from speaking.

            “Great. See you tonight, babe.” Harry winked, and with that, he hopped over the fence, leaving Janella leaning over her balcony’s railing in happiness, yet uncertainty.

Well, Rapunzel. You better call Cinderella- because you’re in for a ball!

*  *  *

Chris’s P●O●V

            He woke up in a dark and plain room. Everything was so drab and solid. The lights surrounding him were very dim- Where was he?

            The last recollection he had, was of him and Janella at the dinner table enjoying their night. It was her birthday- Wasn’t it? Wait . . . where is she?

Just then, a doctor and two nurses approached him.

            “Mr. Ericks? Hi, I’m Dr. Small.”

            “Hi,” He nodded. “Uh. . . where’s my daughter?” he said in a shy voice.

            “Oh, yes- Janella. We sent her home so we could watch over you for a few days. It appears that you have had food poisoning before? Is that correct?”


            “Okay, well it seems that something stirred your antibodies up, which then caused you to have a seizure. Do you remember any of this?”

Silently, he lay on his hospital bed- trying to remember the night before.

            “No. I don’t- I applogize.”

            “Oh. No worries sir. We are just going to have to have you stay here for a little while longer. Your daughter should be visiting either today or tomorrow- but we have asked her for the patients’ sake (your sake), that she not come visit for a good 24-36 hours. I am very sorry to do this to you, but it’s for you own good health that we diagnosis your paresis and then refer you back to you home.”

            “Alright, doc; whatever you say!” he smiled.

Janella’s Father always had a funny way of smiling and laughing his way through the rough spots in life. No matter how glum he was feeling- everyone had to have a smile on their faces- or things would get crazy!

As he started to sit up from his previous position, he began to feel a pinching pain in his sides. Next, the nurse hollered after him.

            “No sir! You mustn’t get up yet- you still need to recover. If you don’t do as your told- things could get worse.”

            “It’s fine. I’m fine. I just need to sit up a bit- I can’t stay in the same position all day.”

            “But you don’t understand!” she yelled.

And before he knew it- everything had blacked out again.

Harry’s P●O●V

Yes! I got her to agree to go on a date with me! This plan is working out perfectly! Haha! Way to go Extraordinary Harry!

*  *  *

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