𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆

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BRENDA STOOD OVER HIS body as everyone watched wide-eyed

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BRENDA STOOD OVER HIS body as everyone watched wide-eyed. "Come on, let's go." Everyone followed after the girl. A song started playing throughout the entire building and Katherine furrowed her eyebrows.

"Let's go, right this way." Jorge pushed open some doors and they could see a zip line leading to the other side of the building away from the WCKED guards that had taken over.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me," Frypan muttered from beside the small girl.

Jorge tugged on the wire, different loops hanging from it. "You kids want to get to the Right Arm? I'll lead you to them. But you're going to owe me." He pointed at Thomas. He grabbed one and jumped out, going down to the building yelling for them to follow him.

"Alright let's go!" Brenda yelled. Minho pushed Katherine to the loops and grabbed the one behind hers. She ran and held on tightly as the wind whipped past her face, her hair blowing behind her as she let out a yell seeing the fall down if she let go.

Jorge was there at the end and she landed on her feet, the man placing his hand on the small of her back ushering her to go. She stood beside him as Minho came to the bottom. They waited as the rest of the gladers came in one by one, except for Brenda and Thomas.

Teresa was the last one everyone asked where Thomas was. "Teresa! Where's Thomas?" Newt yelled over the others. She shook her head looking back at the building.

"He-he said that he was right behind me." She walked over to the edge looking at the building hoping to see Thomas and Brenda on their way down but they didn't.

"Ok, ok. We have to go. Brenda will get Thomas out but we need to go." Jorge said pushing past the kids and walking towards the building.

"Wait, we can't just leave Thomas," Katherine said stopping Jorge. 

"Listen to me, Hermana. Brenda will get Thomas out and we will meet them away from here. When this song ends, the building will blow." He turned standing in front of the girl. "If you want to stay here and get blown up, be my guest." He looked at the rest of the gladers before turning and walking away.

Katherine sighed, giving one last glance at the building before following Jorge, the gladers followed the small girl. The song ended and explosions filled the air. Jorge ushered out the kids hurriedly and the building started collapsing.

She grabbed Minho's hand and the gladers ran as the building collapsed behind them. Jorge threw open the door as the last of the building collapsed throwing the gladers to the ground from the force.

The whole time all Katherine could think about is whether or not Thomas and Brenda had gotten out. "Holy shit." She huffed.

"What if they didn't make it? We have to go look!" Newt called. Jorge shook his head.

"No can do, I trust that Brenda got herself and Thomas out somehow, she's a smart girl. We have to keep moving. Let's go!" He called out beginning to walk away. Katherine huffed, biting her lip before following after the man once more.

The gladers glanced at each other before following Katherine and Jorge. Minho jogged up to walk with Katherine. They could hear the helicopter hovering around the air. Katherine didn't know how long they walked for, but her legs ached.

"Do you think Thomas is ok?" She questioned. Minho glanced over at her as he thought about it.

"Thomas is smart. I'm sure he's fine." The Asian assured. Katherine hoped he was right. She couldn't explain it, but Thomas was important to her, more than she seemed to know. There was a long silence that followed after, the soft chatter of the other gladers filled the quiet air.

"How are you, Minho? Really?" Katherine asked seriously, tilting her chin up slightly to look at the boy.

The boy looked down at her, not really expecting her question. "I'm fine." He answered but she knew he wasn't. Minho was never good with his feelings. Sure, he knew how he felt about Katherine, but that was because he experienced it before the maze and he learned about it, but he was not good with anything else.

"Minho, I know you're lying. You don't have to pretend." She assured. Minho sighed. "You are always there for me, making sure I'm ok. Well, now it's my turn to do the same for you."

"I just... I hate them. I hate WICKED. I want them to pay for everything they did to us and our friends. Winston, Chuck, Alby, they're all dead because of WICKED." The boy confessed, clenching his fists, his knuckles turning white.

Katherine grabbed his fist, his hand immediately easing and she gave his hand an assuring squeeze. "I know. I want them to pay too. We're just kids and look at us, we're walking through the Scorch hoping that we can get to the mountains where we can escape some government or whatever."

The brunette had noticed buildings coming into sight, and she tightened her grip on Minho's hand. "Alright, we'll stay here and get some rest for what's left of the night," Jorge announced. Everyone crowded into a building and dropped their backpacks.

Minho laid his head on his backpack, opening his arms for Katherine to lay beside him. She laid down, cuddling into his side already feeling her body warm-up as his body blocked the cold. She could feel him place a soft kiss on her hair.

She tilted her head up and cupped his face with her hand, bringing her lips to his. "I love you," Katherine whispered as she pulled away, their faces still inches apart. 

"I love you too, princess," Minho responded. She smiled hearing the nickname. Minho often called her princess and every single time it never failed to make butterflies erupt in her stomach and make her heart skip a beat. "Have I ever told you that your smile is one of the most beautiful things in the world?"

Katherine's face flushed as her grin grew wider. "One of the most beautiful things?" She questioned tilted her head further up. He nodded.

"Next to your laugh, and your eyes, your nose, your voice," Katherine just laughed and buried her burning hot face into his shoulder. "Shall I keep going?" She just shook her head and looked back up at his face. 

"You are such a cheeseball." She muttered with a large grin that she was unable to get off her face. The brunette could feel his chest rumble under her head as he chuckled.

"Yeah, well, this cheese ball loves you. I can't help it around you. I turn into a softie when it comes down to my girl." He teased. But deep down he and everyone else knew it was true. Katherine's heart did flips hearing him call her 'his girl'.

"You guys are bloody adorable and all, but could you just slim it," Newt stated from beside them. Katherine stuck her tongue out playfully at Newt as Minho rolled his eyes. The Brit copied the girl's actions before turning on his side trying to sleep.

It didn't take very long for the beating of Minho's heart and his fingers running through her hair put the girl into a deep slumber. She always slept soundlessly in Minho's arms, her head resting on his chest. Minho was the same, as long as Katherine was in his arms cuddled against him, he could always fall asleep peacefully.

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝘾𝙊𝙍𝘾𝙃 𝙍𝙐𝙉𝙉𝙀𝙍 ━ 𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘵𝘸𝘰Where stories live. Discover now