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KATHERINE RAN DIFFERENT SCENARIOS through her head. She thought of different things Thomas could possibly do to get them out of their current situation. Right now, they were on their knees, held at gunpoint by WCKED guards and there was really no way from the escape from WCKED at this moment. At least nothing that Katherine could think of. 

Maybe Thomas was really just done running and gave up. But why would he give up so easily when they were so close to freedom? How did WCKED even find them? The girl squeezed Minho's hand and he squeezed back. 

She felt comfort in feeling Minho beside her even if they were pretty much screwed and going to spend the rest of their life being experimented on. Funny that at this moment, Katherine wondered what her's and Minho's future would've looked like if there was no apocalypse, no WCKED, no maze. She wondered what they're future would like if they had made it to the safe haven. 

Would they have gotten married? Boughten a house together, spending hours decorating it they way they wanted. She almost wanted to cry as she got lost in her thoughts, the 'what-ifs?'. Would they have kids? She wondered what the safe haven looked like and she wondered if her Minho would even get a future together. She wished that maybe they would. She wished her friends were alive and that they were living normal lives as teenagers, getting drunk, staying out late to party, or studying together for school, and only worrying about school and chores. Not having to worry about being science experiments. 

She wondered how Thomas and her relationship could've grown, what it would be like to be normal siblings in a normal house. Or even how she could've gotten to know her brother all over again when they reach the safe haven. Shared memories of their childhood and remembering their mother and maybe even their father if Thomas or she could recall the memories. 

Katherine was pulled from her thoughts when a berg flew overhead, landing in front of the large group of immunes. The large metal door opening, the loud sound of the machinery working to open it up as sand flew everywhere from the winds of the aircraft. 

Six guards came marching out in perfect formation as a woman dressed in all white, a terrible ensemble for their current location in Katherine's opinion, walked behind the guards. They walked up to the group and Katherine recognized her as Ava Paige. 

Ava Paige, as in the woman who 'killed herself' in the video shown to the group before they were taken to the facility of WICKED that didn't want them to know it was WICKED. Of course, it was just mind games. It's always mind games with WICKED. "Is this all of them?" She questioned Janson. 

"Most of them." He answered. There was a pause and Ava was not happy. "It'll be enough."

"Start loading them in." She ordered, walking away from Janson. Her bun was tight and sleek and it made Katherine get a headache from just looking at it. Her clothes were perfectly white, again terrible outfit for a dirty and dusty desert. 

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