Chapter 4: He's got a gf...

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2010 has ended and a new year has come, 2011. It’s February and Taylor has begins her “Speak Now” tour, which will end in March next year. It is such a long year for her, all she does is giving the best tour concerts for her beloved fans. Those are her main focus now. She keeps herself busy rehearsing, hanging out with her tour crews and writing new songs during her free time. Of course she is tired from all the buzzes but that’s what makes her happy; seeing her loyal fans cheering for her, loving her endlessly. She is grateful for what she has. She rarely remembers Louis throughout her tours, she has moved on. At least that’s what she keeps telling herself.

On the other hand, One Direction starts their first tour late in December, 2011. Louis also focus on his tour; rehearsing with the lads, hanging out, fooling around, trying to forget her. Louis has the other four lads to keep him busy, and they are all like family to him. Different from Taylor’s fans, “Directioners” are more crazy, impossible to handle. They would throw themselves at the bands, screaming in excitements, and fighting for the boys, but despite all that, they are the ones who have made One Direction the biggest band on the planet. The tour ends in early July, 2012. Finally, a break for them. And also for Taylor…


It’s December, and 2012 almost ends. Taylor is in New York, spending most of her free time with non-other than her best friend, Selena Gomez. These two teens have been going here and there together, inseparable: having meals together, shopping at malls, talking about boys, nailing the latest trends, sharing their problems, just doing what other average teenage girls do. Taylor couldn’t be happier being around Selena, the one that could only understand her, the one she sees as a sister. On a lovely, chilly night, Taylor has promised Selena for a dinner together at the new place where everyone has been going to. As usual, the two go for seats at the corner for a private space. They order their meals, and talk about Taylor’s new songs which Selena suddenly asks a question that makes Taylor surprised.

“Speaking of new songs, what about you and Louis?”

Taylor freezes and couldn’t answer Selena. She continues “I mean, are you like, over him or still have feelings for him?’’

The waitress interrupts them and serves their food. Taylor’s face can be seen awkward as her eyes only look at the table.

“Sorry Tay, didn’t mean to make you all weird now. Okay, I’ll never ask you about him again, okay?” Selena tries to comfort her as soon as the waitress goes away.

“No, no, I’m sorry Sel, it’s just it’s been so long since I’ve thought about him and heard about him, you know. I don’t know, I guess I’m over him” Taylor answers.

“I think that’s good, there’s lots of guys out there too” Selena replies.

“Geez, I don’t know if I want to date now. You know, I’m doing okay this way” says Taylor.

“What! Why the hell do you want to be single? Haha... There are guys waiting in line to date you, plus if you have a boyfriend, we could double date you know” says Selena excitedly.

“Double date???” asks Taylor.

“Yeah, me and Justin, and you with your boyfriend. That would be fun” Selena laughs. Taylor laughs too at Selena’s childish ideas. They spend the night talking and laughing, just enjoying themselves.

The two then go home to Selena’s house after finishing their meals. Taylor plans to sleep at Selena’s. after changing their clothes, the two talk some more while surfing the internet, going on YouTube to watch new hit music videos. When they are out of songs to search, they go on webcam and record themselves fooling around. Hours and hours of laughing just tires them both, their jaws hurt and their stomachs feel cramp. It’s 2a.m. and they are about to go to sleep when Taylor’s phone suddenly beeped. She receives a text message, thinking it’s from her manager so she opens it. Strangely, it’s a text from One Direction manager. Just seeing that name freezes her out. She calls Selena and they read the message together.

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