Chapter 10: Mean

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It’s 31st January, and Taylor and Selena will be going to One Direction’s party. It is windy outside so they’re still not sure whether they will be swimming later since it’s a pool party. In addition, Taylor is not feeling very well, exhausted from all those promotions. It’s 12pm and it’s time to go to One Direction’s place.

Taylor’s POV

Upon arriving, Selena and I are amazed looking at the boy’s crib. It’s big, spacy and has futuristic-themed look. We are welcome by the guards at the front door. We are then led to the back of the house where there is a wide swimming pool area, but the cool thing is, it isn’t even outside, the pool is still under the glass roof. As soon as we step into the area, we are welcome by none other than Liam.

“Hey girls! Glad you could make it” says Liam with a smile.

“Wow, your place is so cool!” Sel replies. I agree with her.

“Thanks! You guys can change at the back and then put your stuff there, and just enjoy okay?” Liam points to the seats next to the bartender and leave to join his friends.

Sel and I quickly go to the changing room to change into swimming suits. Selena just strip into a gorgeous bikini set, while I just change into something simpler and not too showy because I have a cold.

“Tay, how do I look?” asks Sel as soon as she finishes changing.

“As usual you look great!”

“No, I mean, do I look hot enough for Niall to notice??”

“WHAT? Whatever” I laugh at her and she pouts.

We then find a place to sit and put our stuff down. Selena and I chat a bit about the place, the people who come, and the food. Suddenly, a tall, shirtless figure interrupts us.

“Hey love. You look…amazing! And you too, Selena” it’s Harry.

“Oh thanks, Harry” I reply. Then Niall comes by.

“Hey girls! Selena, wanna join me to the pool?” says Niall.

“SURE!” and there she goes, off with Niall, leaving me with Harry… Urghh.

Harry is still staring at me like some kind of pervert. He’s back to his senses when I fake a cough.

“So… great place. Umm, Is Ed here yet?” I try my best to find a topic.

“Uhhhhh….. Yeah, he’s… somewhere” Harry stutters. What’s wrong with him?

“Let me get you food” he says and immediately go without a chance for me to reply.

While waiting for Harry, my eyes scan the place and finds Selena in the pool with Niall, having a great time splashing water towards each other. Haha, those two looks so cute. My eyes wander more, watching unknown people just having a great time of their lives, and then, my eyes are fixed into the gaze of a guy, a familiar guy. Louis. Is he staring at me? Is he alone there? Where’s his girlfriend? My thoughts are interrupted when Harry hands me a plate of food.

“Here, eat okay?’’ Harry orders me to eat.

“Actually, I’m not that hungry” I explain.

“Oh okay. Here, just drink okay?” I agree with him and take the glass he offers. He then sits beside me and eat the food.

“Hey you two lovebirds!” a familiar voice startle me.

“ED!” I get up and hug him, glad that he’s here so I don’t have to spend an awkward moment with Harry.

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