Chapter 6: 13

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Days had passed since Taylor met Harry. The tabloids had gone crazy to know what is really going on between them. Both of them had always avoided the media. Not just the tabloids, fans had gone mad too. There are some who supported them and there are also who bashed about them going out especially Directioners.

They wouldn’t give a rest to Taylor but Taylor just did what is best for her; ignoring them. Despite all these chaos about her and Harry, she kept thinking about Louis and her new girlfriend. Just seeing Louis with Eleanor made her heart cried. Sometimes she would crazily google about Louis and Eleanor, resulted her to cry alone in her room. She thought she is over him, but unfortunately no. She still has heart for Louis.

Taylor’s POV

I’ve been filling my days with sadness because of Louis. I still couldn’t believe I still love him. On the other hand, there’s Harry. Why would he want to be friends with me? Why suddenly? Anyways I haven’t heard from him since the last day I saw him. That’s good, right? I really need someone to talk to now, I need a friend. I need Selena.

To: Selena

Hey Sel. Could we meet? I kinda need to talk to you…


From: Selena

Hey, yeah sure. I’m heading to Starbucks now. Meet you there?


To: Selena

Okay, be right there.


I walked into the Starbucks and I saw Selena drinking her coffee at the corner table. I walked to her and greet her. Selena had already ordered my favorite. As soon I sat down, she told to me talk my heart out. She knew I was feeling sad, that’s what I like about her, she really knows me. So I talked about the night I met Harry and how I feel about him. I also told Selena about my feelings towards Louis as I finished my drinks.

“I don’t get Harry, you know. Although I don’t know what his intention is, but I’ll just be careful with him, cause you know, he’s a playboy” I said.

“Tell me something I don’t know” Selena didn’t really like Harry.

“And about Louis… I don’t know what to do anymore. I kept thinking about him, even if I really didn’t want to. urgh! This is frustrating”

“Aww, Tay… Just try not to think of him. Do something else, fill your time with stuff and activities. Just keep busy. I think that’s the only way” Selena tried giving me advice.

“Yeah… you’re probably right. I’ll try, thanks Sel! You’re the best!” I finally smiled.

“Tell me something I don’t know” she said while sticking her tongue out.

After spending time with Selena, I went back home. I thought to myself, what other better ways to fill my time than writing songs? So I took my guitar and try to create a melody but none just sounds perfect. So instead, I just create lyrics. I spent hours writing this and finally I finished it. It was already night time when I finished the song. The problem left now is how the music will sound like. The name ‘Ed Sheeran’ just popped in my mind, he’s my best friend. He’s funny, talented and amazing. So I called him up to ask for his idea.

“Hi Ed!” I said excitedly. “Sorry to bother you, but I have a problem”

“Hey Tay, it’s okay. So what’s up?” his sweet, calm voice said.

“I just wrote a song, I finished the lyrics but I still can’t figure out the music yet. Since you’re so talented, amaze me Ed” I joked.

“Well, that’s hard. But I’ll be in New York in two days, got work there. So we’ll just meet up then okay?” said Ed.

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