Chapter 16

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Sonic P.O.V

Great, their fighting again. Eggman is just standing there with bewildering look on his face. Amy is standing there with her arms crossed and Orbot and Cubot are standing there like the idiots they are! I'm standing their when I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Ahh!" I hiss and place a hand on my stomach. Oh no.... The pain slowly goes down but is still there but dull.

"Uh guys..."

"You are going to tell...." Rouge starts again but is cut off by Shadow.

"No I am not. Not now. I'll explain lat...." Rouge goes to cut him off again.

"Guys." I say again. The pain then comes back again but sharper.

"Rrrrgghh!" I hiss again.

"Don't get in my face bat!"

"I'll get in you're face all I want to!"

"You..." Shadow starts again. At this point I can't stand the pain anymore and I'm tired of being ignored.

"GUYS!!!!" Everyone looks over at me and their eyes go wide.

"Now?!" Shadow yells in a scared tone and runs up to me and I grab his hand while he wraps his other around me as I hunch over in pain.

"Ugh, why now?!" I yell out in pain. Why just why! Now's not a good time guys!

"Guys we gotta go!" Shadow yells. Everyone nods their heads.

"I'll let G.U.N know about these two." Rouge says, pulling out her phone and dialing the number.

"Shadow, we have t..." my sentence is cut short as we hear a splat on the ground. We both quickly look down and see that my water broke. Once again why?!

"Damnit!" We both yell as we both change into our merhog forms. I land on top of Shadow. He sighs in relief. He scoots out from under me and looks at his tail. Pain runs through me again and my breathing picks up. Oh no.....

"That's why you wanted to explain later." Rouge says. Damn it! Now not the time for this! I need to get to the damn moon pool!

"S-shadz. U-use your powers t-t-to dry yours-self off." I studder in pain. He nods his head and use his evaporation abilities to dry off and change back to his normal hedgehog self.

"Shadow too!" Egghead yells in surprise. I ignore him as Shadow picks me up.

"Tails come on!" He yells for Tails and he looks at him confused.

"Why me?!" Really!!! You're like a brother to me!!! Heck you call me you're big brother all the tine!!! Ugh I want to get this done with!

"Because Sonic wanted you here for this! Now lets go!" Shadow yells him. He nods with a smile and follow us out.

Narrator P.O.V

Shadow ran and ran with his love in his arms and Tails right behind him. They raced as quickly as they could for Sonics sake. Once they reach the cave, Sonics contractions have become stronger and shorter apart. These pups weren't wasting any time getting here. Sonic has recently changed back to his hedgehog form. He's then sat on the sandy ground,

"Tails, pass Sonic over to me after I get into the water got it?!" Shadow yells, panicking about the ariaval of his children. Tails nods as Shadow gets into the pool and changes form. Tails passes Sonic over to shadow and he places sonic in the water onto the shelf so he can lay back. But this time, sonic didn't sprout his tail like he normally would. Tails looks in confusion which sonic noticed.

"It's fine Tails," he tells the fox kit as a contraction fades away.

"When merhogs are ready to have the pups, we don't regrow our tails. Which means thaaaaaaagggggghhhhhh!" Before he could finish, another contraction hit him, and hard. Tails looked over at Shadow in fear as he realized that ment that he was having the babies... NOW!

"Tails!" Shadow shouted to get the young kits attention.

"We need you to go to the Doctors office and ask for Dr. Johnson and tell her that Sonic needs her. Can you do that?" Shadow seemed so sincere yet scared for his loves wellbeing.

"I'll try. I'll be back as soon as I can Sonic!" Tails said with confidence at the end. Sonic looked over to him, smiled a weak smile and gave him a thumbs up. With that, Tails was off, leaving the merhog couple alone in the cave.

"Aaaaaaggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!" Sonic yells in pain. As his breathing increases even more so. All Shadow could do was hold his mates hand and watch as he goes through the pain that he feels he caused.

"Hold on Sonic, Tails will be back soon." He tries to console his love.

"Shadow...... these babies are coming and NOW!" At this, Shadow pales. These kids are not wasting any time getting here and he's now realizing that.

"Shadow... go down and see if I'm dilated enough." Sonic says. As his love told him, he went down and saw what he wasn't wanting to see, not this soon anyhow.

"Is it me o-or is there something there?" Sonic studders as the pain increases, knowing that there's a pup crowning. All shadow could do was nod.

"Shadow.... I have to push NOW! And stay where you're at." Sonic says as he gets into position to push his kids out.

"What about the Dr?!"

"Shadow The Hedgehog, there's no FUCKING TIME FOR THIS NOW!" Sonic yells not wanting to deal with the pain anymore than he has to. Shadow now has no choice but to listen to his mate and nods. Over the span of what seems like hours (even though it was like a few minutes since the baby was already on the way out) their first child was born. He had dark blue fur and quills with Shadows red stripes and quill pattern. And he had the white tuff that shadow has. Basically had shadow written all over him except his fur color and Sonics emerald green eyes. His little tail was the same as Sonic and Shadows tails. Other that the bright blue like sonic, he had a darker blue matching his body color. The red fins remain. (Just pretend that he's a baby and has the tail description in this picture)

Shadow showed Sonic his son and tears went down both of their eyes as their hearts melted at the beautiful sight at their first born son

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Shadow showed Sonic his son and tears went down both of their eyes as their hearts melted at the beautiful sight at their first born son.

"Oh my..." Is all sonic could get out as he reached out for his son.

"Hello our little Kaze.." Sonic coos at the child. (The kids name is pronounced Kah-zay) Just then Tails and the Dr. return.

"I see one of them just couldn't wait." She laughs a little as she takes the baby to check him over. Just then another wave of pain shoots through Sonic.

"Tails was it? Take this little fella and place him in that little bed that we brought. While I tend to sonic." Says Dr. Johnson as she passes the little boy to Tails. He nods his head and rushes the other way.

"Alright, dad, go over to Sonic and hold his hand and give him all the support you can give him,"

"Got it!"

"Alright Sonic, I'm coming in, let's get these other two into the world." Sonic smiles and nods his head.

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