Chapter 18

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At some point during the evening, Shadow called the rest of the gang and  all of Sonic's family over so they could see the newborn pups. All three of them in the water with their mother and father with curious eyes looking around into the new world.

Sonic's P.O.V

I'm exhausted after today. I mean,  yeah physically, deffenantly. I'm wiped. Anyhow as Shadow and I hold our children, I have Shadic and Kaze while he's holding Maria, when I go back to how Amy looked and acted earlier. What happened to her? What did Eggface do to her? I began to zone out when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see it was surprisingly Knuckles.

" Thinking bout Amy right? " he guessed.  I look back down at my two boys and nod,

"What happened to her? How did she end up like that? What did he do to one of my bestfriends?!" I yelled the last part not meaning to. Shadic and Kaze started to cry while Maria started to whimper a little. I realized my mistake and rocked the two boys while Shadow did the same with our little girl. But not only were the kids startled, but so was everyone else by my sudden outburst. I then took a deep breath and calmed myself.

"Please, just tell me what happened." He looked back at the group as if to ask if he should. Rouge nods telling him to go on to tell me.

Narrator P.O.V (earlier that day)

Shadow hada just taken Sonic to safety and now its just the rest of them vs Eggman.

"That damn blue rat! No matter, I'll go after him." Eggman says but is stopped by Rouge blocking his path.

"I don't think so hun." She says while crossing her arms. Knuckles then jumps up and starts punching the flying thing he always seems to be in (if anyone knows what its called, please let me know cause I has no idea). Knuckles gets a few hits in just as Amy jumps up with her Piko Piko hammer. Eggman manages to dodge the attack. Swing, punch, dodge was all that was going around. Until Eggman had enough,

"I was going to use this on the rat but I will make an exception!" He presses several buttons before a ray gun of sorts comes out from a secrets compartment at the bottom of the flying thingy. He aims the device at knuckles and starts it up,

"Hohoho! Behold my newest invention! The... The uh.... Ummm... Screw it I still haven't come up with a name for it yet but it changes one to come to my side willingly! And our dear friend Knuckles will be the first to test it out!" Eggman yells as he hits the launch button. Rouge becomes worried for her boyfriends well being and rushes to him, even though she knows she won't make it in time. Amy sees all that's happening and becomes scared for not only her safety but everyone else's as well. Tails sees all of this and then pushes Knuckles out the way of the ray but then he's suddenly pushed out the way too, by none other than Amy.

"Amy!/Amy no!/No!" The trio yell as they watch in horror as Amy is engulfed in the rays black light. After she's hit, the light transforms her. She is covered now with a dark aura and she looks completely different,

 She is covered now with a dark aura and she looks completely different,

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She gets up and walks over to Eggman.

"Eggy, come down here please. I want my big strong handsome man." She says with lust dripping from her voice.

"Oooooo, I gotta right this down for the side effects. And I'm loving this one."

The other three look on in horror at what they are witnessing. They are also extremely grossed out as well. Eggman lands the vehicle and Amy comes running over with open arms. She then jumps on him and plants a steaming kiss on the evil doctors lips. He was surprised at first but then kissed back.


Rose: Why does everyone want to break my fucking wall!!

*Everyone looks over to the now broken 4th wall*

Rouge: Its not our fault that we know about the Hedgehog Talk you do! And we really want to know why you do this to us!

Rose: 😡😰Who told you about the show?!

Knuckles: I heard it from Rouge.

Rouge: Well I heard it from Tails!

*Everyone looks at Tails, author has evil glint in her eye😠*

Tails: IM SORRY!!  I over heard Sonics and Shadow talking about what happened last show and I got super excited and told Rouge and Amy!!! 😖😖😖😨😨😨😨

Eggman: *Still has arm around Evil Amys waist* Am I the only one super confused here?

Rose: We'll deal with this shit after the chapter OK. If you guys stop breaking the wall I'll include you in the next episode of the show, deal?

*All of them nod their heads and gets back to story*

Amy then gets angry at Knuckles and brings out her new 'toy' and smacks him across the room with it, leaving deep wounds on him,

Amy then gets angry at Knuckles and brings out her new 'toy' and smacks him across the room with it, leaving deep wounds on him,

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"How dare you judge our relationship meathead!"

"You getem babe! I'll go capture the blue rat while you deal with them." Eggman yells as he get back into his vehicle and goes after Sonic.

Sonics POV

"We then had our asses handed to us by her and later learned about you being taken." Knuckles finished his story. I was at a loss for words. I couldn't believe that Egghead would do this to my sister. How dare he! By this point Tails was holding Shadic and Rouge had Kaze. My two boys have lost their tails at this point and have their little legs kicking around. I was just getting out of the moon pool so I could dry off and start walking around again. I always seem to think better when I'm pacing, weather its while I'm a merhog or I have my legs. But since there's no room in the pool to pace I will have to do with land. I then stand up and start pacing even though I was still extremely sore. Shadow noticed me,

"Sonic, you need to come and rest for right now. You're still weak from our children now cone back and at least sit for a little longer." He was right,

"But we can't just sit around while Amy's like this! She needs us."

"We all understand how you feel about this situation but we can't do anything right now until you get better." I sigh in defeat and sit at the edge of the pool and rest for a little longer. Don't worry Amy, we're coming to save you soon.

Sorry for not updating lately. A lot of shit has been going on lately plus there's the lovely case of writers block *note the sarcasm*.  But anyway, thanks for those who have left comments, which isn't many 😟 but thanks all the more. I still need ideas for the next Hedgehog Talk, so if anyone out there has any ideas, questions (or dares for Shadow) let me know and it will be in the next one which should be in not the next chapter but the one after that. But yeah, thanks for reading! Until next time my ghosties.

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