Chapter 13

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Sonics P.O.V

Shadow and I are back in the water in the moon pool just sitting and talking. He thought it would be a good idea to relax for a few minutes before we head back home but he keeps turning to check the time on his phone. I think he's hiding something but I'm not going to press him about it. I'm just enjoying our alone time.

"How are you feeling love?" He asks me.

"I'm just fine." I say as I snuggle into his chest.

"That's good. I..." He's cut off by his phone dinging. As he has one arm wrapped around me, he reaches back for his phone and sees who the message is from.

"Uhhhh.... Who is it?" I ask.

"What I was about to say before I was interrupted. I have a surprise for you." He releases me and he takes my hand and we swim threw the underwater exit and towards the house.

"Ooooooo. Intereging." I say very interested.

"Trust me when I say that you'll love it." He says. We continue to hold hands as we continue on swimming to our home.

Shadows P.O.V

We continued to swim back until we reached the shore near our home. Then, once we had our legs, walked to the front door. Once the door was open, Sonic noticed that all the lights were out and the curtains were drawn.

"Why is it so dark in here?" He asked as he reached for the switch. The lights came on and then everyone jumped out of their hiding places. Sonic jumped in surprise then smiled.

"Guys! You didn't have to do this!" He says happily.

"Don't give us the props. It was all Shadows idea." Rouge told him. Sonic looked back to me,

"I knew you were up to something you sly dog."

"Imma hedgehog thank you." I say in a joking manner. He giggles a little which makes me smile.

"Come on Sonic, sit down and let's enjoy you're baby shower." Amy interrupts. Then leads Sonic to the chair in the living room. We chatted and ate for most of the afternoon. We opened presents and got lots of the essentials which is important.

"So did you guys find out the gender?" Rouge asks. Sonic and I sweat drop.

"Hehe....he..... About that." Sonic chuckles nervously. I turn red and rub the back of my head. Everyone looks back at us questionably.

"We're having a girl...." Amy cuts me off.

"Ha! YOU owe me $20!" She says pointing at Knuckles.

"Damn it!" He says as he reaches into his pocket.

"We're having two boys." Sonic adds with a sly smile. Of course he wants to cause mischief.

"So wait...... what ARE you having?" Rouge asks. We look at each other and smile.

"We're having triplets!" Sonic says excitedly. Everyone's faces turns to shock.

Sonics P.O.V

The room was quiet for a moment till...

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkk!" There it is... The girls squealed and ran up to me,

"Since when?" Asked Amy. I smiled and pulled out the ultrasound picture and both Amy and Rouge had stars in their eyes. They both loved the picture and shared it with everyone else as well. Everyone was excited and happy for us which we were greatful for. We laughed and talked for who knows how long. We just started talking about baby names when.....

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