Summer Nights

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Chasitys' P.O.V.

I went to bed.

I woke up and today was the last day of Magcon.

Hopefully it would be normal.

I got up, got a shower and dried my hair.

I put on soffee shorts and a Magcon shirt that said Grier on the back.

I also put on my long nike socks and my nike sneakers.

I put my hair in a ponytail and straightened it down.

Today was short any way since all we were doing was Magcon for 3 hours.

I started packing away my clothes and everything else.

After everyone packed; the responsible people, we walked down stairs.

Can I tell ya? Girls scream really loud when they're together.

It's annoying.

Magcon was great though, I danced a lot and had to do a lot of stunts.

Nash thought it would be cool if I did a stunt.

So Nash and Cameron were my holders and Jack Gilinsky was my back holder since he was tall.

I was nervous since they didn't do it.

But it was fine, they said I weighed nothing.


I stood on their hands and flipped into a cradle.

It was awesome!

I haven't done that in like a month!

I can't wait till school starts.

Everyone clapped and I went down with my friends and we danced the rest of Magcon.

It was like 3:12 and we all had to go to Chads house.

He had plenty of guest rooms.

I had my own room.

I put everything in my drawers and my closet.

Everyone was a going swimming so I put on my new black swimming suit from Forever 21.

We went to a pool nearby; even though he had one.

We walked in and the pool was like dead.

So we went and fought an abandoned water park.

It was awesome.

I tried using Cameron's long board and go down it, but I felt like I was going to fall.

So I stopped and walked back up.

There was a hose and we ran it through the slide.

Hayes got a sled and he sat down in it.

I sat on his lap and we went down.

I was so freaked the slide would break, I held onto him like I was going to die.

We got to the end and he called me a chicken.

Since we weren't really supposed to be there, we just went back to the house and went swimming.

After about 2 hours, we were starved.

We all went to this restaurant called, California Dreaming.

We ate and me being me, I just got chicken fingers. Haha.

After we ate they had a karaoke machine in the restaurant and I was really hyper for some reason so I did karaoke with everyone.

We sang Summer Nights by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey.

It was pretty awesome.

Mahogany and I sang the girl part and the guys sang the guy part.

Everyone in the crowd started dancing too.

Than the electric slide came on and we did that.

After a couple of more dances we went home.

But before we did we got froyo.

We went home and Hayes asked me if it would be all right if I could do the dare.

I loved Hayes hair.

I loved playing with it and if someone chopped it, it wouldn't be so much fun.

But I let him, since it was a dare.

He was going to get it done tomorrow.

I took a shower and went to bed.

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