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I'm in my room packing with May sitting on my bed asking me as many questions as Julia and Maddie were.

"I don't know May, for the last time I don't know if I'll have pink, floral bed sheets or if my roommate will be a celebrity. I just don't know all of the details," I shrug and keep packing.

"Well... what details do you know?" May asks getting all up in my face.

"That I'm suppose to meet with all of my old teachers at two o'clock and talk to them about all things school related, then a limo will come and pick me up and then I'll make a speech to the whole town, then lastly I will go to the Carolina Airport and board a plane to take me to Illéa High," I say in all one breath. It was like the hundredth time I needed to repeat it. I take a deep breath in and sigh.

May, sensing my exhaustion, stops asking questions. The room is silent while I keep packing slowly. Then May takes a deep breath herself and says "America, I will miss you, mom and dad will miss you, and your friends will miss you, I just wanted you to know that."

I sense her eyes on the back of my head. I don't turn around. I can't face her or else I will cry. I carefully, making sure my voice doesn't crack with sadness, I whisper "Well I want you all to know I'll miss you too," finally I turn to face her. "I will be counting down the days till the first break, and I will think about you guys everyday. I promise."

"Pinky promise?" May says and holds out her pinky.

I hold mine up "Pinky promise," and I loop my pinky around hers.

"Girlies, sorry to interrupt this adorable sisterly moment that I am sure you girls were sharing, but someone is here to see the soon-to-be-student of Illéa High," mom says and May and I both turn our heads to see mom standing in the doorway.

Our pinkies untangle and we put our hands down. May knows that that was her cue to leave my room. I watch as May's pigtails fly off her back while she runs past mom down the hall to her own room.

Mom gives me a smile and lets Aspen into my room. Then shuts the door behind him.

"Hey," Aspen says awkwardly.

"Hey," I reply just as awkwardly.

Aspen tentatively moves across my room and sits on the edge of my bed.

"I came here because I didn't want to leave things where we did before you left," Aspen explains. When I don't respond he starts his... apology?

"So I am so so so so so so sorry that I didn't support you like a good boyfriend is suppose to do. I guess I was being selfish and I didn't want you to leave me. I was afraid to lose you, I don't want to lose you. I love you America, and I know you love me back. I was wrong for questioning your decision and I shouldn't have opened my mouth about it."

I let the words sink in and settle. I did love Aspen. He was my best friend and my boyfriend.

"Aspen, I don't want you to feel like you can't share your opinion with me, that's not how a relationship works. I'm glad you shared your thoughts and feelings with me, even if it wasn't something I wanted to hear," I say and reach down for his hand. I grasp it and hold it right in my own. A smile spreads across my face, "You're right, I love you too."

I lean forward to kiss him. He meets me halfway and our lips touch and it feels like someone put sparklers on my lips. Aspen unlocks our hands and pulls me onto his lap.

I run my fingers across the slight stubble he has on his face while he grips my waist. His fingers make circle patterns on my skin and it feels amazing. Our kiss deepens and everything but us fades away into nothing and it's just me and him.

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