Dates and Lies

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"Maxon asked me to go to dinner," I tell the girls. Marlee squeals with joy, Cedar's smile widens and she touches my arm.

"That's amazing America! Maxon is a real catch," then she winks and laughs a bit. We all look at Celeste for her reaction.

I see pain and sadness cross over her face. But finally she says "I'm so happy for you!" She does a girly giggle and a fake smile.

She's not happy.

"Well when is it?" Marlee asks in the silence.

"Tonight. I am nervous though. What if he doesn't like me or we don't have anything to talk about?" I become frantic, the date just setting in with me. When Maxon asked me I was cool and collected. Now I'm scared and frenzied.

"No worries America!" Cedar calms me down by putting her hand on my shoulder and she tells me to breath in and out. "Maxon chose you to ask out on a date. No one else. He likes you!"

I nod shakily and do the breathing she tells me to do. After I've collected myself, Cedar rushes me into my room and into my closet. Celeste and Marlee follow us and all four of us are squished into the tiny room this palace called a closet.

The three girls shuffle through all my clothes. When they get to the "formal dress" section they pull down three totally different styled dresses.

Marlee has a slick, shiny, black dress that was short and had a one strap. Cedar had a blush pink strapless which was long and had a flow to it. While Celeste had in hand a turtleneck dress that I worn to my middle school banquet graduation party.

Cedar gives Celeste a weird look. "What?" Celeste asks and shrugs. "Maybe she wanted to keep warm..."

"It's Angeles! It's warm. It doesn't get cold here Celeste!" Marlee argued.

"Oh. Okay I wasn't sure. Maybe he would bring her to an ice cream shop, who knows!" Celeste tries to play it off.

The four of us got caught up in finding a dress that we didn't know that lunch had already passed. We all went to find something in Marlee and my kitchen. In the end we just ate some cereal and salads. It was a weird combination but it worked I guess.

"Okay, so America I loved that red dress on you, it made your eyes stand out even more! Like a bolt of blue on the horizon of a red sunset or smooth silky water on the dry deserted Mars," Cedar exclaims. She sometimes had her burst of poetic things to say.

"But did you see that blue dress? It made her hair look like dancing flames in a pool of blue," Marlee argued.

"I liked the black one. It represents how your relationship with Maxon is going to turn out," Celeste mutters under her breath. The other two girls hadn't seemed to notice.

I had, but I wasn't going to say anything. I knew Celeste had a thing for Maxon. But if Maxon liked me, then why not take a chance on him. It's not like Celeste and I were besties. She basically gave me the cold shoulder most of the time.

Cedar and Marlee pull me back into my closet when they finished their meal. Celeste took her time and stayed out in the dinning area finishing her food.

"Try on both the red and blue dress America and we will see which one we like better!" Marlee suggested while Cedar nods her head in agreement.

I try on both and after putting in my own input and getting Marlee and Cedar's thoughts we decided on the blue dress.

The blue dress was a knee length dress that was flowy from the waist down. It had a heart-shaped neck line with fake diamonds on the rim of it. Marlee chose some white high heel wedges for me while Cedar straightened by curly hair.

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