Hunter James

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I sleep on the plane ride over to Angeles so the time passes by quicker. Usually they have both of the picked students ride the plane over together to spend less money, but since Hunter is all the way from Whites and me Carolina, they decided to have us fly separately.

"America, wake up, we are here at the school," Kelly shakes me from my sleep.

"We are?" I ask tiredly while I open my sleepy eyes and rub them.

"Yes. Look out your window. You can see the school from here. We are landing in five minutes," Kelly points out my window and there is where I see the school.

It looks like a castle and it seems bigger than my whole town. The school is shaped like a square with the middle as a big lawn with chairs and tables, trees and bushes, and sidewalks and street lamps, it looks like a whole park inside the middle of the school. The school has a moat around it with outer walls separating the building from the town.

Finally when I've seen enough of the school that I will be going to I look back at the A Class plane I'm flying in. When I got aboard I was too tired to take in the beauty of this airplane. The seats are nice and squishy. So nice that I feel asleep in them almost right when I sat on them. The seat has the school name embossed in them as showing that it's the school's property. Everything in the plane is white and gold. Not quite the school's colors, but fancy enough to say I'm rich and I like to show it.

The plane descends and my ears pop. I've never experienced my ears popping before. It hurt and felt weird at the same time. Kelly handed me some gum saying it would make my ears feel better. It worked a little. Not as much as I hoped it would though. The landing was soft and swift and soon enough we were leaving the white and gold plane behind. Butlers carried my luggage and Kelly walked right in pace with me while she talked my ear off with information I needed.

I come out of the terminal and reality hits me, I'm in an actual airport, and I'm actually on my way to go to the school of most people's dreams, I walk faster than I usually do to keep up with Kelly who is still talking to me. I don't really take in what she is saying to me but I keep nodding.

We go past security and past the ticket booths, we go through the double doors into the pick up line. Outside waiting for us is another limo. This time there is a bunch of people waiting and holding up signs for me and for Hunter. I shuffle past them, but I don't forget to wave and smile really big for them. There are little girls and boys and teens and even adults cheering for me.

Kelly opens the limo door for me and inside, already waiting, is Hunter James. He looks up from where is is sitting and twiddling his thumbs and looks at me.

"Hey, you're America Singer right? Well duh you were the one to give the speech in Carolina," Hunter answers the question himself. He holds out his hand I and shake it with a strong grip. Not too strong but one that is strong enough to say hey I'm not some little girl who can't handle herself.

"Yeah, and you are Hunter James, well unless you have a twin and you are really, like, Nate James," I joke. I hope he thinks I'm funny.

Hunter laughs and smiles. Good he has a good sense of humor. That or he is just laughing to make me feel better. I'm hoping it's not the latter.

For the rest of the car ride Hunter and I talk about our lives before we were picked and we review our classes. He is a year older than me, but since almost all my teachers signed me up for AP 11th grade classes we have some classes together.

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