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"Principal Scheave, hi there," I stutter as I stand up awkwardly from my fallen position.

Principal Scheave's eyes look me up and down judgmentally and stops when he reaches my face. I give the principal a small apologetic smile to try and make up for the mess.

I look down and see that some of the food that I had thrown at me was now on his clean-well not anymore- white button down shirt.

"Miss... Singer? Is it?" The man in front of me speaks. I nod quickly and hold my hands at my sides. I make sure I'm standing up straight and that I don't look like a mess that I am.

The principal doesn't speak again and just keeps on staring at me. It seems like this goes on for quite some time before I break the silence and say, "I know I don't look that out together right now, but there's a food fight happening in the lunch room and while I was trying to get out someone threw Mac and Cheese all over me," I start to babble.

I keep talking trying to explain what was going on, when Principal Scheave holds up his hand, a motion to tell me to stop talking. I shut my mouth and look down.

"Why do you think I'm out of my office? To see my son? No. To have a fun day in the hallway? No. To chit chat with some girl who was lucky enough to be picked from a stupid drawing? Absolutely not. I got a call from one of the kitchen staff telling me some girl started a food fight!"

I keep my eyes trained hard on the freshly polished floors that I can almost see my reflection in.

"You, America Singer, are coming to my office immediately understand?" He says harshly. I take a peek up to look at his face and he was mad. His face was a light shade of pink almost turning red.

He turns on his heel and walks away. I take it that he wants me to follow after him so I do so. It was a hike to his office which is on the main floor in front, while the lunch room was on the second floor all the way in the back so people could have a look out of the garden while eating.

The hallways are mostly empty on my trip to the main office. There were the occasional teacher on their break, or students going to the bathroom. To everyone else the principal smiled and waved. I made sure to keep my distance from the principal so it didn't look like I was in that much trouble.

Maxon's father didn't even look behind him to make sure I was still following him. He was just so confident that I would follow him instead of trying to run away.

Once we get to the main office I follow Principal Scheave into his office. He holds the door for me to go into the office first and I walk in. He shuts the door behind him and rounds his desks to sit in his chair. He points to the across from him. I take this as an invitation to sit down. I oblige to every command he makes.

We sit there for a long time, just me looking at the things on his desk while he just stares at me. It seemed like this was the normal for us, just not talking and things being awkward.

"So... you have a dog?" I try to make conversation. I point to the picture of Maxon, VP Scheave, and the principal himself with a golden retriever in his lap.

Principal Scheave takes a huge sigh. "America I'm not here for small talk, or get to know you talk, I'm here to discuss what went down in the lunch room today," he finally starts.

"It was an accident," was all I could get out before the Principal was talking over me.

"Miss Singer, you have to understand we have a decency level at this school that we must maintain. You being here and creating this ruckus is not what we need. For goodness sakes Miss Singer this is a prestigious school for the ones and twos of Illéa. We only started to do the name drawings to make sure we didn't look too snobby. It wasn't my idea, it was in fact my dear wife's idea. I didn't want this, but the council out numbered me," Principal Scheave goes on to say.

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