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"I have to deal with some things regarding people's health, so today you will have a free day, get out anything you want and just have fun. I trust you guys to be on your best behavior, I have Vice Principal Scheave here to watch over you," Mr. Joseph points to Maxon's mom who is sitting on the benches with her legs crossed, with her hand waving at us.

All the kids wave back and smile. Some going as far as saying hi's to the VP of the school. I just wave and smile. I felt like I didn't deserve to talk to her and say hi. It was a weird feeling.

Once Mr. Joseph leaves the room Vice Principal Amberly Scheave stands up and just talks about what she expects from us and what we should do. After, the five of my friends and I stand up and get a volleyball to bounce around.

In the middle of passing the volleyball around in a circle I feel a tiny tap on my shoulder. I turn around to be greeted by the one and only, Aspen.

"I see your nose is better," was all Aspen says.

"Yeah, what do you want exactly?" I ask him. He wasn't my favorite person on the planet at the moment.

"Can we just talk?" Aspen doesn't meet my gaze and he scratches the back of his neck. He was scared.

"Yeah, of course," I reply and take his arm and lead him to the end of the bleachers where the VP isn't sitting. I feel the five pairs of eyes on me, but choose to ignore them. I knew they would probably have a ton of questions for me when I get back. I just didn't want to talk about this-Aspen and I-with them right now.

"I just want to talk about us."

"What about us? Because right now I don't see an us, I thought we were past our relationship. I thought we are done," I ask confused. Aspen was giving me mixed signals and I didn't want to get the wrong idea and go in the wrong direction.

"I mean our friendship. I know there isn't an us anymore. And part of me misses that, but we both are here in Angeles and we both have sixth hour together most days, I just want to make sure everything is okay between us," Aspen explains. He still wouldn't meet my eyes and it made me a little mad.

"You just want to make sure everything is okay between us? After you kissed me like I was the love of your life then you broke up with me? Then about two weeks later you are on a date with another girl, in the same province, same city, same area, gosh, even the same street as my school is on?" I knew I was giving him a hard time but this dude broke my heart.

"America, if you would just let me explain-"

"Well... I'm giving you this time to explain, so explain," I cross my arms over my chest and stare at the guy I thought I would love and be with forever.

"I met Lucy and we just hit it off. I did, maybe, come here to see you and to be with you, at first at least," Aspen met my eyes now. "Until I met Lucy and then I felt like my world changed."

I just stare at him not knowing how to react or what to say. Aspen doesn't say anything, probably expecting me to talk.

"So you are saying you came here for me, then your plans changed because of love at first sight with Lucy?" I more state what I said, instead of it being a question. I was so confused and maybe even a bit sad.

"I wouldn't call it love at first sight America. You know me. I don't believe in that stuff. But yes, I do believe Lucy and I have a connection," he says and looks directly into my eyes.

It was my turn to look away. I couldn't look into those bright green eyes that I loved, I mean love.

America, admit it to yourself you still have feelings for this dude. Because let's be honest. I do. I love Aspen still, even after he broke my heart, and he is seeing another girl that is now my maid. I stilled love him because we were best friends back in Carolina with years of history together. You can't erase history.

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