Spilled Drinks

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Later that week many other guys ask the other girls to go to homecoming with them. Cedar got asked by one of Maxon's friends, Omar. It was a cute sign and he bought her some roses.

Marlee was asked by Nick, another one of Maxon's friends and lastly I was asked by the one guy I actually trust here, Hunter. We were just going as friends since he has a girlfriend back home, but he's a fun guy to hang out with so I was excited.

"Okay so the schedule for tomorrow is as followed. First, all four of us girls will get ready and the boys will get ready as well. Then, we meet up to take pictures at the Illéan Rose Garden, you know the hotel/ garden/ restaurant? Anyway, then we eat at the restaurant and after, we take a limo over to the dance at the old palace!" Cedar squeals at the end of her step by step instructions.

"I'm so excited that our dance is in the old palace! After the royal family fell, it was actually the beginning of the real Illéa. I love Illéan history so much!" Marlee chimes in.

"Yeah, it's the most interesting of the countries histories, the whole world agrees. It's a debatable subject. Some people believe that the fall of the monarchy was the end of everything this country could become. Then some others believe the fall was for the greater good and we as citizens will flourish perfectly on our own, without a royal family," Hunter states and we all listen carefully.

Most people in Illéa love the history that their ancestors lived through. It was fascinating and quite something.

"My parents gave me all these books on the history of Illéa when I learned how to read," Maxon adds in. "I've never truly read them, but maybe you guys would like to barrow them." Maxon shrugs and keeps eating his pasta. He's been extra quiet lately, ever since he asked Celeste to homecoming. Was he regretting it?

"Oh, sorry guys I need to dash to the library quick to print something for English. I'll see you guys in sixth hour!" Cedar gets up and walks over to the trash can to throw away her food and walks out of the cafeteria.

"Maxon?" Marlee asks, breaking the silence that has fallen upon the table.

"Yeah, Marlee?" Maxon looks up, but keeps playing with his food.

"Can I barrow those books? I kind of want to learn more about the history and... you know... America..." Marlee trails off and looks at me.

"America? Why would-" Maxon starts then stops himself. "You mean the country before Illéa. Right?"

"Yeah, America interests me and I want to know more about it," Marlee explains.

"Tell me what you find out!" I add in. "I want to know what I'm named after." I smile and laugh a little. I never really thought about why my parents named me what they did. Was it a bad thing? A good thing? Both?


"T minus three hours! The dance is in three hours!" Cedar yells at us through her open apartment door and our open door. All the girls in this wing were frantically trying to get it together. Get their clothes together, get their makeup together, get their hair together, basically just get their life together.

"Marleeeeee...." Celeste wines as she tried to zip up her royal blue dress that stops just shy of her knee. "Help me zip this up! Please!"

"Gosh, I thought you were working hard to get to a size 2," Cedar comments, while she's in the bathroom changing, as Celeste quick walks across the hallway into Marlee's room.

"Shut it. I tried, but then the cupcakes came from my admirers and then the chocolates and so on. How could I pass up such tasteful sweets?" Celeste pouts as she sucks in her stomach so Marlee can zip her up better.

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