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School starts tomorrow and so Marlee, Cedar, and Cedar's roommate, Celeste, and I are going to go shopping for the new clothes we want for school. We know it's late, but better late than never.

"Maybe we can hit the Angeles Mall then we hit the littler stores if we want to," Cedar suggested.

The other three of us agreed that was a good plan. I've never shopped here before but I was totally on board with trying something new. Since everything else I needed was paid for by the school like housing, food, text books, etc. I could use the little money I saved and bye myself some new clothes.

We rode rode downtown in Cedar's red convertible. Marlee and I sat on the back of it on the top part of the car that was not in use for the sun was shinning and the breeze was nice.

"Ladies, we are here, the famous Angeles Mall!" Cedar says cheerfully.

We all scramble out of the car. When we walk into the mall it is Marlee and me in back of Cedar and Celeste. Celeste seemed distant and kind of self centered. She hadn't once talk to me besides the hi and the name exchange.

Marlee, as though she can hear my thoughts leans close and whispers "Celeste is the most dramatic person you will ever meet. You either love her or hate her. Most of the school loves her, she can be, like, really mean but they still like her, it's crazy."

I take in what Marlee told me. Basically the moral of that was probably to tell me to not get on Celeste's bad side. I want to be in her good graces.

We enter the first store and Marlee goes off in the opposite direction as Celeste, which leaves me standing at the entrance with Cedar.

"You want me to help you find some really cute outfits that you will love?"

"I would really appreciate that," I give my personal stylist a little smile and then we were off searching the racks and trying on clothes.

I would recommend a shirt or pants and Cedar would tell me if it looked good or not. Overall I think I have a pretty good sense of style.

All four of us bought some clothes at the first store and the other stores after were basically the same story.

At lunch we stopped in the food court to get some Chinese food. Marlee and I shared some dumplings with some chicken and spicy dipping sauce while the other two got some soup and noodles.

"Who do you think Maxon will ask to the start of the year dance?" Celeste asks Cedar.

My ears perk up at that boy's name. The one who showed around Hunter. Maxon was also a class president.

"I honestly have no idea, why do you care anyway? Hope he will ask you?" Cedar replies. If it was anyone else I bet Celeste would rip their head off, but you could tell Cedar was joking and Celeste allowed her to.

"Maybe... ever since last year at the end of the year party when Maxon ditched his date for me, I've kind of, you know, had a little spark for him..." Celeste blushes and it's in that moment that I feel Celeste really only meant for Cedar to hear that.

Celeste looks over at us like she just realized we were there. "You can not tell a soul, got it?"

I shake my head slowly while still eating my dumpling. And I guess Marlee does the same because then Celeste fake smiles and goes back to eating.

"America!" I hear some guys voice echo through the food court. I see Celeste look up and freeze, Cedar smile and wave, and Marlee turn around and just stare at the person who yelled my name.

I finally turn to find the person who called my name out, very loud, in a public eating area. It takes a little while for my eyes to find the person, but finally I find him, Hunter, he is waving and walking over. By his side is the famous Maxon.

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