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I haven't talked to Maxon in two weeks. He's tried to talk to me, but I just can't face him. What Celeste told me really hit home. I didn't want to be broken hearted again. Aspen already broke it once, I don't want to put myself on the line again.

These two weeks Celeste has been supporting me and helping me with Maxon. She has been keeping Maxon occupied and has been keeping him away from me. She helped me block Maxon on everything. Instagram, Snapchat, phone messages, etc.

"So homecoming is coming up pretty fast here, what's the plan?" Marlee asks the group at lunch.

I don't say anything. I didn't really know what to say. All the school dances that took place in Carolina, I went to with Aspen and my other friends.

"Well the guys need to, you know, ask some ladies..." Celeste implies at Maxon and shakes her eyebrows.

"Yeah, I think I already have someone in mind," Maxon adds in. He looked a little dazed and out of it. Last week he always tried to make eye contact with me, but I always avoided it.

"Oh really? Who's the luck girl?" Celeste leans across the table and pushes her elbows close to push up her breast. I almost gagged.

"You'll find out soon enough," Maxon gives her a fake smile and looks back down at his food.

Celeste either didn't notice that his smile was fake or she was in denial that it was. She looks at me and gives me her own smile and a wink.

"America! Wait up, please, talk to me!" Maxon calls from the other side of the empty lunch room while I leave. He sprints towards me and grabs my arm.

I try to pull free and he lets go. I keep walking without saying anything. All of Celeste's words run through my mind once again.

Take my advice. Lose Maxon. Cut him loose before he cuts you loose. Keep your heart safe, Ames. Because Maxon Scheave will leave it broken.

"America. At least tell me if I did something wrong or something to offend you! You owe me that," Maxon pleads with my back.

"I don't owe you anything," I say before I totally exit the lunch room.

"America, please. Let me fix this."

"There's nothing you can do. We are just not meant to be. I can't be with someone who jumps from girl to girl so easily and who doesn't get attached," I start to tear up. I was glad I was facing away from him. "I can't get my heart broken again."

"What do you mean? I don't jump from girl to girl? Who told you that?"


"You cant trust her! She doesn't even like you!" Maxon laughs in irony. It was a hard and forced laugh. One that I never wanted to hear again.

"Why do you think that I would trust you over her? Maybe you both are lying to me. Maybe I shouldn't even be friends with either of you," I say quietly.

"America," Maxon's voice was just above a whisper.

"I have to go to my next class Maxon," with that I leave the lunch room and I leave Maxon standing in there alone.

For the next hour I push any thoughts of Maxon out of my mind. I was so confused. I didn't know who to trust and who not to trust.

When I get back to my room I find Marlee was already there and sitting on the couch. I needed to ask her about Maxon. I was dying of not knowing what was real and what was fake.

"Hey, Marlee can we talk quick?" I ask and move towards her.

"No matter what you think I did I didn't. I swear!" She quickly says and puts her hands up. I laugh and she laughs as well. "Of course you can talk to me. What is this about?"

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