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Hunters POV

I hesitate a bit before I click the call button. Ruby's number is already dialed into my phone. It takes me about ten tries to actually click the call button, but on my eleventh try I actually make contact with the screen.

I put the phone to my ear and with each ring my heart beats faster. My head and my heart are fighting with each other. My heart saying "don't pick up, don't pick up, this will be our downfall, this will break both of us," while my head is saying "Ruby has to pick up. She just has to, I need to get this off my chest before it weighs me down more than it already has."

Right before the last ring I hear a voice that's on the other line. "Hello?" I should be excited that she picked up, but the funny thing was... the voice belonged to the male species. It wasn't the sweet tone of my Ruby, it was husky and low.

"Hi," I tentatively say into the mic on my phone. The grip on my phone becomes tighter and my voice becomes an octave higher.

"Who's this? Sorry, this is my girlfriends phone and I don't know her friends that well," the voice says. I wanted to reach into the phone and-

Collect yourself, Hunter. This could just all be a misunderstanding. It has to be.

"This is uhh- this is Hunter James?"

Gosh darn it! Why did I sound like a baby that's about to cry. Man up dude! Seriously. Man up!

"Yes, this is Hunter James. I'm calling to speak with Ruby Jensen," I made my voice go back to the normal octave and I grew in confidence.

"Yeah, sorry about that, Ruby is in the shower. I can leave a message if you would like," the guy speaks in a very bored tone.

"Well I want to speak with her as soon as she gets out of the shower," I demand. I have had enough of this.

"Okay," was all the guy said.

"Who the hell even are you anyway?" I ask.

"I'm Brent, Ruby's boyfriend. She never told me how rude some of her friends are, gosh," Brent said in a snarky tone.

"No, you must have something wrong, I'm Ruby's boyfriend. We have been dating for four years!" I argue with Brent.

"Well, she must have broken up with you somewhere along the line, because we have been dating for two years now...unless you are that loser dude she was talking about. She said her ex boyfriend was, like, addicted to her. Sad really."

I was over this. I pulled the phone away from my ear and pressed the end call button. I was shaking, with rage, sadness, and hurt. I could feel the tears threatening to leave my eyes.

No. Don't cry. Ruby doesn't deserve to make you weak. Don't cry because of her.

I stood up and walked back to my dorm room. Maxon was out with Nick and Omar, so I had the room to myself. I laid on the couch and stared up at the ceiling. I can't believe I was such a fool.

I open my eyes and there is no natural light coming through the window. I hear noises in the kitchen. Some pots banging against the sink and the water running. I tilt my head to see Maxon cleaning the pot. He spots me and gives me a small smile.

"Hey, you're up," Maxon states. I grunt back in response and he comes and sits in the chair by me. "You want to talk about it?"


"You sure? Get some things off your chest. It might make you feel better," Maxon offers. He was right. It would feel better if I just talked things out with him.

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