Walk in the park? More like Walking on a tightrope.

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Ring ring ring ring.

My phone goes off and I look at the caller ID. It's Aspen. He hasn't called me in a while. I don't hesitate to answer the call.


"Hey America, you free right now?" Aspen sounded worried and sad.

"Yeah I'm just in my room reading. You want to meet up somewhere?" I ask while shutting my book and getting off my bed.

"That would be nice. How about you just come to my apartment. We can talk here," he suggests.

We talk for a minute more and then I hang up. I grab my wallet-just in case I need to buy some ice cream- and head out the door. I walk all the way to the school for guards and maids in training without bumping into any of my friends.

Hunter and Maxon were off having a guys' day with Omar and Nick, while Marlee was out somewhere secret. Cedar and Celeste were at the mall buying even more clothes and makeup.

I enter the school's main entrance and look around. It wasn't as fancy as Illéa High, but it was fancier than the school Aspen and I used to go to. We both upgraded when it came to schools. I look at the secretary and wait to be helped. Finally she looks up at me and smiles.

"Hi, how my I help you? Are you a student?"

"Hi, I'm America Singer and I just came here to visit one of my friends, I'm not a student here. I go to Illéa High," I smile politely at the women.

"Oh who is your friend? I'll ring you right up to her room," she looks back at her computer ready to type the name I give her.

"Actually my friend is a guy. Is that a problem?" I ask nervously. I wanted to be there for Aspen but it would be kind of hard if I wasn't allowed to see him wallowing in his room.

"We have a none of the opposite sex in the apartment policy that I have to follow very strictly. We know you are teenagers and you guys have your hormonal-," I cut her off there.

"Actually Aspen and I are just friends, but no worries. I'll just shoot him a text to meet me down here so you don't have to think about breaking any rules," I smile and pull out my phone from my back pocket.

She smiles back at me and in five minutes Aspen is in the office and ready to go. He chose to be very comfortable today by wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Hey at least they match.

We decide to walk the pathways of Angeles. We walk in silence for a while just enjoying the view. It wasn't an awkward silence, just a friendly silence.

Aspen wasn't in a hurry to tell me what was wrong. I remember what Lucy had said to me back my apartment. Something about Aspen getting drunk and he started getting rude and mean.

After a while I choose to break the silence because I was just so curious about what Aspen wanted to say to me. "Aspen, let's cut to the chase. Why did you hit me up out of the blue and ask me to meet you? Are you and Lucy having any trouble?"

Aspen breaths out heavily and stares off into space. It took a minute or two to form his thoughts. "Lucy has been ignoring me all today and she gives me dirty looks whenever I see her. I saw her in the lobby and she glared at me. I tried talking to her but she just walks away like I'm not even alive. What did I do wrong?" He asks innocently.

"Well first off I hear someone named Aspen got drunk at the dance yesterday and he started acting like a major A-Hole to his girlfriend and he wasn't that nice to her. I truly am wondering which Aspen it could have been? Have any guesses?" I playfully say with a smile on my face.

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