Spiked Punch

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Everyone at my table gasps just as I did. I slowly get up and make my way over.

"America! America! What are you doing?" Celeste yells over to me. "We don't want to draw their attention, they might want to... sit with us," Celeste shuddered at the last part.

"And why would that be so bad exactly?" Maxon asks and gets up himself.

"Because! They are guards and servants in training. They don't belong with our kind of people, they belong with people from America's status," Celeste looks me up and down in disgust.

"Stop! Celeste you are being so rude. You're acting like how the paparazzi think we act! Prove them wrong," Cedar tries to stand up for me.

"I'm just telling the truth, sorry I forgot you have always been scared of that..."

Cedar stands up and walks towards me, and Maxon comes and joins us. Marlee, Nick, Omar, and Hunter make their way over to me as well. Celeste sits alone at the table glaring at all of us with her arms crossed and she looks pissed.

"You can still join us if you want," Cedar tries. Celeste rolls her eyes in return and finally she gets up.

"Don't think I'm getting up for your little uncultured friends that are clearly below us. I'm going with you guys because if Maxon and I are apart it will look weird and I'm not into drama," Celeste explains. Now it's our turn to roll our eyes.

We all walk to Aspen and his friends in a big clump. Aspen looks up and sees us. "Hey America, all of America's other friends," he nods his head at them and then returns his gaze to me.

"Hey Aspen," I reply. "We didn't know that your school would be here too! I mean that in the nicest way possible," I laugh a little. I really did want him here. I was glad he was here.

Good thing Aspen didn't take that the wrong way because he laughs a little too. "Yeah we were going to have a separate homecoming place but at the last minute they changed it because they couldn't afford having the grand banquet hall, so nicely enough Principal Clarkson and Vice Principal Amberly suggested that we go here instead."

"Wow you guys really do depend on us a lot! Maybe too much," Celeste sneers and Lucy tightens her grip on Aspen's arm.

"Shut it Celeste that's rude!" Cedar quickly rebuts. "Just ignore that little comment from Celeste. It's her time of month," Cedar winks in Aspen's direction.

"There's a table right by ours if you guys want to sit there!" Maxon jumps into the conversation.

"That would be awesome! Maybe we could do some bonding if that's cool with you guys," Carter says looking right at Marlee making her blush.

Aspen's group follows my group to our table and the one by it. "You guys want to get drinks? Food?" Aspen asks his friends.

Almost all of the guy dates stand and go over to the punch bowl to get some drinks for themselves and their dates.

"What the heck Maxon? Now we look like we are, like, babysitting them!" Celeste yells, probably loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Celeste! That's enough why can't you just be happy? It's homecoming and Maxon asked you to be his date! Be grateful," Cedar snaps at Celeste. Everyone at the table was taken back a bit. Cedar almost never gets this angry.

"Gosh Cedar, I guess we know how you feel now. You didn't need to make a scene in front of everyone about it," Celeste finishes off her drink and stands. "Maxon, up. Walk till you get to the dance floor and then dance with me."

Maxon obliges and walks to the dance floor. He turns to look at us. Almost like he was saying "help me" but no one helps him.

Many songs play before I get up and dance. I don't dance until Hunter stands and holds out his hand for me. I take it and he leads me to the dance floor where everyone else is. The song playing now is fast pace and has a lot of beat drops.

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