Chapter 1

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Percy POV

My eyes flickered open, bright lights shining through. I cover my eyes as I collect my bearings and sit .
It's all white and way to bright with florescent ceiling lights and bright colored walls. My eyes squint open to get adjusted to it all. Soon a lady comes in startled at my awaking. I smile at her and wave.
I guess I wasn't supposed to be awake. Soon I'm freed from all the wires and have some regular clothes on.

"Hi, I'm Mrs.Monohan, and I'm here to help you for the next few days or so. Okay?"
I nodded like it was no big deal, still confused.

"So what is your last memory?"
"Um, I don't know." Percy thought harder and harder until he thought that he looked constipated.
She nods and writes somethings down

"What's your name?"
This one was easy
But then she asks for my full name.
"I don't know."
This cycle continues on of her asking and me not knowing, like my birthday, or parents name, but I do remember what I look like and my age.
"So Percy, you were in an accident. One where when your parents tried saving you, they died, you were fixing a car when stuck by lightning, and when they went outside to come get you the car pieces burst and flew stabbing and killing them.
I absently nodded, I didn't know anything about them so I wasn't too affected, but they were the only ones who knew me.

I get taken to a room where I'm told to wait, they told me some information, that they have in the system, but that's about it. How my real name is Perseus and that I went to Goode Highschool. Not that I'll ever be back there. I'm supposed to go with some family member, home and live with them.
I sit back on the chair trying to get comfortable, in the stuff chair they plopped me in.
A tall broad man walked in, with a business suit and glasses

(Who could it be?)

"Come on kid."
I got up and hung my head as I followed him
He led me to a car that seemed pretty old, it was  a tan-crème color  with brown wooden accents along it, the windows where tinted yet clear, we went in as we drove home, just stared at him. He had blue eyes like my mom, and jet black hair. He had a suit on that said business.

When we pulled up, it was a huge sized house, more like a mansion. There was a garden upfront. As well as white trimming along the windows. I was staring at it until I realized the man wasn't there anymore.
I hurried up and walked in with him. He directed me to a room and told me to stay.
Soon yelling could be heard from, then a crash and a bang.
A group of boys came in muttering and glaring at me.

"Hello Percy, I'm Bruce Wayne. And these are my sons."

I know it's super short, but it's only the beginning so I'm just kind of trying to start it off, please comment on ideas to incorporate the story, thanks!

Ps what do you guys think of the cover, I might change it a bit but give me some feedback

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