Chapter 2

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Percy POV

The 4 black haired boys stared at me like I killed their Mom!
"Father, I don't think it's best to have another one in the house." The shortest one said
"Now boys, I don't care if your mad, he is in my custody. None of your words will change that!" Bruce explained

"Now introduce yourselves and get to know each other."
I hung my head, my messy hair falling in my face. I slowly lowered into the nearest chair.
I didn't really expect them to do what Bruce said, so I was just twiddling my thumbs. Where's my ADHD when I need it. I've been feeling more hyper lately, but didn't think much of it.I lied back trying to get comfortable. It didn't work.
"I'm Tim. Tim Drake." The Middle one said
He nodded to the short one.
"I'm Damian, Damian Wayne." He said through clenched teeth.
Damian nodded to the 2nd to tallest.
"I'm Richard, Richard Grayson, you can call me  Dick."
They all looked at the last one
I nodded, I rubbed my eyes to stay awake.
"It's been a long day, Jason is gonna show you to your room."
I nodded and got up. Jason had a question mark written all over his face. He looked at Dick for an answer. They were talking with their eyes and I knew every word. They didn't want me here. I got up shoving May hands in my back jean pockets.
"Fine, I'll do it." Dick said

I followed him up the stairs, through twists and turns that I'll never remember.
Dick stopped and opened the door revealing a
huge bedroom with blue lights coming from every edge and corner, it was white all around with chairs and floors. I was too tire to say goodnight, so I just nodded to him, and hit the hay.

Time skip

I opened my eyes, and saw on the clock. It was already around 8 ish. I sat up and just as I was gonna get up, my body flew over and hit the wall.  I looked back, no one was here . I take another step and I'm suddenly all the way across the room. I stumble and fall.
What's Bruce gonna think! He can't find out, neither can the boys. I lock the door and collide with the floor.
Think Percy, what can you do.
My stomach rumbles, I realize I haven't eaten since I woke up. I go over to the bathroom and splash water in my face. I look up into the mirror and see myself. I look bony, most weight is from muscle, my cheeks look like they are full, but on the edge of hollow, the pale boy in front of me stares back, my sea green eyes are murky and Nico a bit i thought. trying to remember who he was.For some reason I know I had a fast metabolism before, I don't know why I'm like this now.

I hear a knock on the door, I don't answer, it's best they think I'm asleep.

"Percy, is everything okay? We heard a crash."

"I'm fine! I was just trying to get something and fell!" I call back
"Well come down breakfast is ready, and it's mandatory for you, you skipped dinner." 
I panicked
What am I gonna do? What if the powers start going!
Things start racing through my mind. 'What if's?' and 'What not's'
I was pacing and didn't notice when Jason opened the door.
"Percy! Come on."
I stopped and nodded trying to stay calm, so I wouldn't get disowned.
We went down the steps of the manor to the dinning hall where stacks of pancakes piled up in the center. I saw the rest of the boys already eating and most of them stuffing their faces.
I pulled out a chair from the head of the table, and sat down.
I started day dreaming, subconsciously tapping my fingers on the table and my door rocking back and forth from the toe to the heel.
I remember when Nico was so innocent and happy, or when Annie had a crush on Luke, or even when Thalia told us when Jason ate a stapler.

I was cut off my thoughts. I saw Richard in front of me, clapping his hands in front of my face.
I blinked a few times, before answering
"What?" Oh Percy, what an amazing response to a possible psychopath called your cousin
"Dude, you where pretty zoned out there-"
"Yeah, even Dick doesn't go that far into his mind, not that there's that much to go into"
That earned Tim a smack on the head
I laughed as they started bickering.
I got up and went to the living room. Me being me, I was looking at everything! After a while there was a loud ringing.
AN- in this percy doesn't know what a cell phone is cause I feel like it and important thing for ages!
Went to camp at 8
War 1/2- 12
Annabeth - 12-14
So he is currently 13-14

"Dick! You box is ringing!" I yelled
"Percy, what are you taking about, what box?"
Dick walked in, when he figured what i was talking about he shook his head

Dick POV
How can he not know why a phone is!!?
I picked the call, and it was Wally.
"Hey dude , can I come over?"
"Sure whatever, just don't trash my room if I'm
Not here."
I hung up and went to find Percy.
He was with Tim in the game room.
Well more of him staring at Tim's phone in awe.
I was cracking up.

Percy POV
Tim gave me the box so I started pressing the buttons, I tried the one in the middle and it lit up, I smiled to myself.
I pressed it again.
'Hey I'm Siri how may I help you'
"AHHH!! The box talked!" I jumped back and accidentally used my new powers zooming out of the room, but it didn't stop there.
I zoomed all the way through twists and turns to the front door. Crashing with a red he headed boy.

I felt exhausted, as I I hit my head on a bookshelf and let darkness consume me.

I finished early! So I will be updating at least once a week, unless it's close to break or something like that, so for updates I need something so it's not too long or too short
Give me a
Minimum and a Maximum of words and a day (Thursday -Friday) to update on.
And I know it's crap so you don't have to tell me

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